Windsor Theater
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Uploaded on: December 16, 2016
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A photo of the Harvest Festival Parade in which the Windsor Theatre can clearly be seen in the far upper left hand corner of the picture. The marquee reads “REMODELING CREW WORKING VERY RAPIDLY”. This must have been one of the theatre’s final attempts at existence; to the right of the theatre one door down you can see the drive-thru bank “First National Bank”; the theatre and the bank structures didn’t coexist long together and the bank actually had the theatre demolished for a tentative expansion that never occurred. The theatre lot is now a park and the bank was converted into Pike’s Auto Care. Before the bank (now Pikes) was constructed, a small filling station was on the site. This filling station was razed for the construction of the bank. Interestingly, both the filling station and the theatre were demolished by Ed, Ted and Bill Starck of the now-defunct Star Contracting of Windsor. These brothers are Windsor natives and for a time in the 2000s, Ed Stark was the mayor of Windsor.
Photo Courtesy of the Windsor Severance Historical Society
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