Screen 3
Uploaded By
Featured Theater
Cineworld Cinema - The O2 Greenwich
London, GB
More Photos
Photo Info
Taken on: February 5, 2018
Uploaded on: February 5, 2018
Exposure: 1/4 sec, f/1.8, ISO 500
Camera: Apple iPhone 7
Software: 11.2.5
GPS: 51° 30' 9" N, 0° 0' 16" W
Size: 2.3 MB
Views: 1,186
Full EXIF: View all
F number: 9/5
Aperture value: 2159/1273
GPS speed: 0
GPS latitude: 5130943/100
GPS dest bearing: 110141/420
Date time original: Mon Feb 05 18:33:51 +0000 2018
Pixel Y dimension: 3024
Tile width: 512
Y resolution: 72
Resolution unit: 2
Subsec time orginal: 964
Brightness value: -5905/1377
Exposure program: 2
Flash: 16
Focal length in 35mm film: 28
GPS longitude ref: E
Date time digitized: Mon Feb 05 18:33:51 +0000 2018
Focal length: 399/100
Tile length: 512
Scene capture type: 0
Exposure bias value: 31/128
Subsec time digitized: 964
GPS longitude: 00424/25
Subject area: 2015151122171330
Software: 11.2.5
ISO speed ratings: 500
GPS altitude ref:
Screen 3. There are four rows of seats in the sloped part of the auditorium. The glare coming from the ceiling lights makes photography challenging.
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