AMC Rockaway 16

Uploaded By

Tiny moviebuff82

Featured Theater


AMC Rockaway 16

Rockaway, NJ

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Photo Info

Taken on: March 24, 2019

Uploaded on: March 24, 2019

Exposure: 1/7 sec, f/1.9, ISO 1000

Camera: samsung SM-G928T

Software: G928TUVS6ERH1

GPS: 40° 54' 34" N, -74° 33' 29" W Staticmap?center=40

Size: 6.3 MB

Views: 3,425

Full EXIF: View all

F number: 19/10

Aperture value: 37/20

Image length: 2988

GPS latitude: 405435

Date time original: Sun Mar 24 10:40:08 +0000 2019

Pixel Y dimension: 2988

Y resolution: 72

Resolution unit: 2

Flash: 0

Exposure program: 2

Brightness value: -141/25

Focal length in 35mm film: 28

YCbCr positioning: 1

GPS longitude ref: W

Date time digitized: Sun Mar 24 10:40:08 +0000 2019

Focal length: 43/10

Exposure bias value: 0

Scene capture type: 0

GPS longitude: 743329

Image unique id: B16LSIA00SM B16LSJL02SM

Software: G928TUVS6ERH1

Max aperture value: 37/20

ISO speed ratings: 1000

GPS altitude ref:


AMC Rockaway 16

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Comments (3)

moviebuff82 on March 25, 2019 at 1:48 pm

These are the speakers along the side of the auditorium on both the left and right side, in addition to the ones overhead in the front and the back of the screen. Instead of a guardrail near the balcony part there is a mini wall where moviegoers can kick their feet up from their recliners which don’t recline that much there as opposed to the lower level. There are a total of 141 seats as opposed to the 360 that a regular sized screen has.

moviebuff82 on June 16, 2019 at 6:38 am

there’s also carpeting on the floor which makes it comfy to walk onto. You can easily lose your possesions so be careful once the movie’s over.

poland626 on October 10, 2019 at 4:32 am

are the lights on the whole movie?

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