THE THEATRE RENOWN - Midland Junction Perth, Western Australia - Grand Opening - Fri 15 Apr 1927

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THE RENOWN THEATRE - Midland Junction Perth,  Western Australia

Renown Theatre

Midland, AU

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THE THEATRE RENOWN - Midland Junction Perth,  Western Australia - Grand Opening - Fri 15 Apr 1927

THE GRAND OPENING OF THE THEATRE RENOWN - As reported in The Swan Express (Midland Junction, WA) - Fri 15 Apr 1927

Tuesday evening the new picture theatre in Midland Junction was the center of interest, and the crowd waiting admittance was at once apparent to anyone entering the town. Happily for the enterprising proprietors the theatre was ready for the night of opening, the only unfinished portion being part of the granolithic footpath. Next week we hope to publish architectural details. A programme was given worthy of the occasion, and the large audience expressed their appreciation by applause, especially during the turn of the Specialty Four. The opening ceremony was performed by the Hon. Dr. Athelstan Saw, M.L.C., who was introduced by the Mayor of Midland Junction (Mr W R. Crosbie). The Mayor remarked that the Municipality of Midland Junction should be congratulated on having such a fine theatre. He commended Messrs. A. Herbert and G. G Trefoy on their enterprise, and on their behalf thanked the splendid audience for their patronage.

Dr. Saw also extended congratulations for the magnificent theatre, which would give much instruction and pleasure to (the inhabitants off the town. It was a great thing to possess a theatre of this kind in the town, because it would be of considerable convenience and advantage, for it would obviate the necessity of going to large cent res for amusement. It was only about twenty years since the first picture theatre had been opened in Perth. At first those who considered themselves wiseacres thought picture theatres would not last for any length of time, but they had Increased their hold on the people, and contributed to their amusement and education. He had very much pleasure In declaring the theatre open, and hoped it would contribute to the prosperity. and enjoyment of the people of Midland Junetlon. - Contributed by Greg Lynch -

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