Union City Drive-In Marquee

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Tiny Driveinfan87

Featured Theater

Union City 6 Drive-In

Union City 6 Drive-In

Union City, CA

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Union City Drive-In Marquee

Taken around March 1998 during the final year and month

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Comments (2)

terrywade on July 7, 2019 at 9:08 am

Thanks DF87**To bad the Syufy family did not keep this great neon marquee when they built a mall on the Drive In lot next to the busy Nimitz freeway. The Syufy’s built a new multiplex many years ago under the Century name now sold to Cinemark Theatres were the old theatre once stood. The classic flashing sign could have saved and used as a center piece for the huge mall that once people came to watch outdoor movies. If you are ever in Niles CA the big antique town near Fremont check out the train depot museum they have a small HO train set up and have a miniature Union City DI Theatre lot and sign with the train going around It. Looks like the real thing!

Driveinfan87 on July 9, 2019 at 6:32 pm

You’re welcome terrywade thanks for letting me know about the antique shop in Fremont I must check it out someday. I love the old drive-in as I have a lot of great childhood memories in the 90s going there, seeing movies like Terminator 2-Judgement Day, Lion King, Indian in the Cupboard, Problem Child 2, Jim Carrey’s The Mask and some other ones I believe just can’t remember. Was sad once they closed it in early 98. I miss the drive-in to this day. And highly agree they should of left the marquee up would of been something very memorable of what was once there before the Century 25 theater and shopping complex so the kids of this generation can learn something but unfortunately it’s not the case at all. Memories will always live on and thank God for the museums that still have it’s remains and sites like Cinema Tour, Cinema Treasures and Drive-In.com have the photos of it.

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