New Jamestown Mall 14 Family Theatre

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New Jamestown Mall 14 Family Theatre

When the original twin-screen dollar house went out of business at Jamestown Mall, Wehrenberg decided to plow a 14-screen megaplex at the other end of the mall. So the mall owners had three options for the misplaced two-feature announcer, the attractor for the new theater:

A) Place a proper attractor at the other end of the parking lot with space for 14 title and a sign reflecting the excitement of the new theater ($$$$);

B) Move the two-line feature announcer to the proper position but modify it little ($$); or

C) Leave the two-line feature announcer in place and hope for the best ($)

It was the Jamestown Mall, so the answer was clear: C.

Here it is as the Werhenberg Cine 14 (at left) and inset as the New Jamestown Mall 14 Family Theater (middle) in its final stretch.

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