DeSoto Theatre

528 Broad Street,
Rome, GA 30161

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DeSoto Theatre - Rome, GA. - December 2019 -Broad Street View

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Comments (1)

jc1950 on February 3, 2020 at 8:31 pm

jc1950jc1950 on February 3, 2020 at 12:03 pm (remove) The DeSoto Theatre was opened on August 5th 1929 and was owned by Mr. O.C. Lam’s company the Lam Amusement Company. His offices were located on the 2nd floor above the theatres entrance. In early 1928, O. C. Lam, owner of Lam Amusement Company, laid plans to construct a new movie theater in Rome, Georgia, modeled after New York’s Roxy. It was the first venue in the South designed and built as a “talkie” for sound films. When the DeSoto opened in August 1929, it was one of the seven largest movie venues in Georgia. The theatre was opened with the same sound and projection system that was used in NY “Roxie” theatre. The system was an early “Vitaphone MovieTone System”. It was an instant success and the pride of Rome. The Historic DeSoto Theatre Foundation maintains and preserves this legacy for future generations.

Mr. O.C. Lam’s company owned and operated many Theatres (over 20) in 8 states throughout the years from 1929 up to the early 1980’s.

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