AMC Wiegand Plaza 8

220 N. El Camino Real,
Encinitas, CA 92024

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Tiny LebowskiT1000

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Uploaded on: February 26, 2013

Size: 225 KB

Views: 2,532


Aerial Photo of the AMC Wiegand Plaza 8 Theater

Courtesy of Bing Maps, you can see an aerial shot of how the theater use to look and roughly where it is. The theater has since been heavily remodeled and is not split into three different stores. The left-most is a “Dollar Tree”, the center was a “Golf Galaxy” until recently and is now vacant, and the right-most is a “Staples”. There is little traces of the theater at the shopping center. Even the parking lot has been changed, the cars now park at a 90 degree angle from how the used to park (as seen in this picture).

At the time of this upload, the T.J. Max is still there.

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