Brighton Theatre

4223 S. Archer Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60632

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Tiny VintageBob

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Uploaded on: June 19, 2011

Size: 178.9 KB

Views: 7,616


Brighton Theaters c. 1970's

Note the cool Wolf Furniture sign on the corner. It is now a religious store.

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Comments (2)

jwfeingold on December 4, 2014 at 10:39 pm

Hi folks – I am trying to get my hands on a decent resolution photo of this block of Archer Ave. My family used to run the furniture store on the corner. I used to have several old photos, dating back almost 100 years. But I lost those in a fire. This is the closest I’ve seen since then. I tried to download this one but the resolution is not great when you get it that way. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Jason

merchandiser on August 19, 2015 at 6:57 pm

My mom who is now 90 still has the furniture they bought from the store. Blonde tables, barrel chairs, and a bedroom set…and the infamouse 3 light standing lamp, and a set of zebra wall pictures….

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