AMC Fresh Meadows 7

190-02 Horace Harding Boulevard,
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365

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Tiny Comfortably Cool

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Uploaded on: November 8, 2018

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AMC Fresh Meadows 7

Advance trade journal announcement (April, 1948)

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Comments (2)

Comfortably Cool
Comfortably Cool on November 8, 2018 at 7:03 am

The Meadows officially opened more than a year later, in November, 1949.

CinemaDude on January 30, 2025 at 7:29 am

My memory seems to tell me that the Meadows is the only theatre that I attended as a kid that had seats that could be pushed back to a partially reclining position for comfort. I did frequent most every other local theatre, in Bayside and Flushing – The Bayside, The Roosevelt, The RKO Keiths, The College, The Beverley and many more – and I don’t recall any other having semi-reclining seats. That was a creature-comfort that was quite distinguishing for the Meadows at that time. Now of course, they are putting in “seats” that could pass for beds – beds where people eat FOOD – and I always wonder just how often is it that the actually CLEAN and DISINFECT the “leatherette” on those recliners (my mind replies, “not often enough”) as I quickly walk past them searching for regular seats that wont have my head resting where a dozen other people’s heads (bedbugs, lice roaches and all) had just rested on. Yeah, think about THAT next time you think about laying back on one of them, admiring how comfortable you and the bugs are.

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