Odeon Theatre

167 Liverpool Street,
Hobart, TAS 7000

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Odeon Theatre 167 Liverpool Street, Hobart, TAS

Odeon Theatre 167 Liverpool Street, Hobart, TAS

The Odeon Theatre Hobart

Photo & notes courtesy of Slow Beam

The original Odeon Theatre building opened in 1916 and was intended to be an exact replica of the Strand in New York. It has been used as a cinema and performance space for the majority of the years since, most recently as the home of the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra through the seventies, eighties and nineties .

The modern day Odeon hosts touring acts, including many of the larger scale shows during the Dark Mofo festival. If you are staying at Slow Beam, you can get an Uber to and from the Odeon in around 5 minutes. It’s a slightly longer 20-30 minute walk, depending on whether you are going up or down hill or how big your night has been.

Contributed by Greg Lynch - dimensional1@bigpond.com

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