Grand Theatres

1486 Interstate Loop,
Bismarck, ND 58501

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Grand Theatres 1486 Interstate Loop, Bismarck, ND

Grand Theatres 1486 Interstate Loop, Bismarck, ND

The grand lobby took on a Egyptian style appearance after the remodel with columns coming down into the concession stand and statues on each side of the box office and throughout the lobby.

A lot of marble effect was used in the remodel throughout the theatre. Large artificial palm trees were placed throughout the lobby to add to the effect. The remodel made this theatre a real movie going experience. Sort of like the Golden Years of the movie palaces. Another three screens were added, and by 2013 it had a total of 23 screens. By 2015 it had 22 screens - Notes by by Chuck Van Bibber

Contributed by Greg Lynch -

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