Winner Drive-In

27865 317th Avenue,
Winner, SD 57580

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Winner Drive-In 27865 317th Avenue, Winner, SD

Photo courtesy of Betsy Watzel

Building the screen

The original screen measured 48 x 50, and was built on the ground and lifted into place. Cables were tied to the screen. One was anchored to Harry’s cement mixer truck and one was anchored to my dump truck. To the south we tied the cable to Woidnecks dirt scraper.

Clarence started pulling the screen up as Harry and I backed up toward the screen. When we got about half way up, Harry said he began to wonder what would happen if the dirt mover would not be able to stop and the screen would go on over. He said he had visions of his mixer truck flying through the air and landing somewhere up in the 7th row. However, it went up alright and was anchored in place. Had it flipped over Harry and I might very well have been the first men in orbit. Harry in his mixer truck and me in my dump truck. Between Jim and Harry, the wit and humor filled the days and before long we were in business.

In 1955 we enlarged the screen to 88 x 55 to accommodate cinemascope pictures. It is slightly curved to give the picture more depth.

In 1968 we resurfaced the screen. We used 105 4x8 sheets of masonite, 100 lbs. of nails and 42 gallons of paint.

In 1991 a tornado went through and took part of the screen, so we decided to resurface the screen once again. The masonite was taken off and replaced with corrugated steel. Elroy Croston was the contractor for this job.

The screen has withstood many strong winds and is still in place today - Notes Management of Winner Drive in.

Contributed by Greg Lynch -

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