Movie Theaters Around the World
Showing 47,011 - 47,040 of 47,427 closed movie theaters
All Theaters (60,427)Open (13,000)Showing Movies (10,935)Closed (47,427)Demolished (24,275)Restoring (310)Renovating (539)
↑ Name | Location | Status | Screens |
Wiscasset Theatre | Wiscasset, ME, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wisconsin Avenue Cinemas | Washington, DC, United States | Closed | 6 |
Wisconsin Cinemas I & II | Milwaukee, WI, United States | Closed | 2 |
Wisconsin Theatre | Wisconsin Rapids, WI, United States | Closed | 2 |
Wisconsin Theatre | La Crosse, WI, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wise Drive-In | Wise, VA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wishart Theater | Philadelphia, PA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wisner Theatre | Wisner, LA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wittenoom Theatre Gardens | Wittenoom, Australia | Closed | 1 |
Wizard Theatre | (South) Norwalk, CT, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wizard Theatre | York, PA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wo Ping Theatre | Hong Kong, China | Closed | 1 |
Wolcott Theatre | Wolcott, IN, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wolf's Theatre | Lowell, MA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wolfe Theatre | Campton, KY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wollaston Theatre | Quincy, MA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wolseley Institute | Wolseley, Australia | Closed | 1 |
Wolu Cinema | Brussels, Belgium | Closed | 1 |
Wolverine Theatre | Detroit, MI, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wolverine Theatre | Saginaw, MI, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wometco's 167th Theatre | North Miami Beach, FL, United States | Closed | 2 |
Wonder Theatre | San Antonio, TX, United States | Closed | 2 |
Wonderboom Drive-In | Pretoria, South Africa | Closed | 1 |
Wonderland | London, United Kingdom | Closed | 1 |
Wonderland | Bradford, PA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wonderland 4 Cinema | Lancaster, PA, United States | Closed | 4 |
Wonderland Drive-In | Webster, FL, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wonderland Picture Palace | London, United Kingdom | Closed | 1 |
Wonderland Scenic Theatre | Milwaukee, WI, United States | Closed | 1 |
Wonderland Theater | Charleston, SC, United States | Closed | 1 |