Comments from Joe Vogel

Showing 3,351 - 3,375 of 14,589 comments

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Columbiana Arts Theater on Oct 20, 2017 at 10:23 am

The Manos Theatre opened on April 1, 1953, according to this item from Motion Picture Daily of that date:

“Manos House to Open

“Columbiana. O., March 31. — George Manos' new 800-seat Manos Theatre here is set for opening tomorrow. This, the circuit’s 15th theatre, has been more than two years in building.”

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Manos Theatre on Oct 20, 2017 at 10:18 am

The opening of the Washington Theatre was mentioned in the May 3, 1924, issue of Moving Picture World:

“The Washington Theatre, Toronto, Ohio, was formally opened during April. It is said to be one of the most complete small houses in Eastern Ohio, costing $75,000.”

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about State Theatre on Oct 20, 2017 at 9:24 am

This item from the November 22, 1924, issue of Moving Picture World reveals that there was an house in Washington called the State Theatre nearly a decade before 1933:

“Arthur Gottesman, who purchased the old Capitol at Washington, reopened the house on November 10 and has renamed it the State. This house also has been considerably improved and is one of the finest picture palaces in the local territory.”
An advertisement for Washington’s two newspapers, the morning Observer and the evening reporter ran in the January 28, 1922, issue of Editor & Publisher, and included a paragraph boasting of new construction projects then underway in Washington, including “…the Capitol Theatre, one of the largest in western Pennsylvania outside of Pittsburgh, costing a quarter of a million dollars….” So the Capitol must have been a large house, and not really so old when Gottesman took over in 1924.

I’m not sure what to make of this information. Was this the same State Theatre, or a different one. If different, did it later operate under a different name? If the same, why did it have to be rebuilt in 1933? Was there a fire or other disaster, or was it just extensively remodeled?

This is complicated by a comment on this page by aprivee on November 20, 2008, which includes the line “[t]here seem to be two different theaters built by Eberson at different times under the name State Theater in Washington, PA.” Did Eberson design the Capitol, or perhaps merely design the remodeling of the Capitol into the State for Arthur Gottesman in 1924? There is clearly a gap in our knowledge of Washington’s theater history.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Capitol Theatre on Oct 20, 2017 at 8:44 am

The building that became the Capitol Theatre was built in 1867, opening in the fall of that year. The ground floor housed a public market, and upstairs was a public space called Shenango Hall. In 1898 the building was sold to Jacob F. Genkinger, who remodeled it into a ground floor theater called the Opera House. It was listed in the Cahn guides with 1,300 seats and a stage 34x62 feet.

In 1924 the Opera House was remodeled, and the November 22 issue of Moving Picture World reported that the Capitol Theatre had been one of six new movie houses to open in western Pennsylvania on November 10:

“Ben Burke opened the old Opera House at New Castle and rechristened it the Capitol. The house has also been extensively remodeled, and $20,000 was spent in building the lobby alone.”
This web page has an early photo of the Opera House, probably from around 1900, and scans of advertisements for the theater over a span of about two decades.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Earle Theatre on Oct 20, 2017 at 8:21 am

The only photo of the Earle Theatre I’ve been able to find on the Internet is one taken during its demolition in 1983. It was published in the “Images of America” series book New Castle Revisited, by Michael Connolly (Google Books preview.)

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Roxy Theatre on Oct 18, 2017 at 12:29 pm

Page needs to be updated with aka Strand Theatre, per previous comment by dallasmovietheaters.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Alpha Fine Arts Theatre on Oct 18, 2017 at 12:06 pm

The January 17, 1914, issue of The Moving Picture World had an item about the Park Theatre:

“The new Park Theater, at 4189 Hamilton avenue, Cincinnati, O., was opened recently by John J. Vogelpole, [sic] who is president of the company which built the house. Over 100 members of the Master Plumbers' Association, of which Mr. Vogelpole is a member, attended the opening performance. After the show the guests enjoyed a spread tendered by the plumber-exhibitor.”
The opening of the Park Theatre took place on November 25, 1913, and was noted in the following day’s edition of The Cincinnati Enquirer. Both MPW and The Enquirer misspelled Mr. Vogelpohl’s surname.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Manos Theatre on Oct 18, 2017 at 11:33 am

The Manos Theatre building has not been demolished. After the theater was dismantled the building was converted to retail use, housing a hardware store for a while and then a nightclub. It is currently the home of a Mexican restaurant and lounge. The marquee has been removed and the front of the building completely remodeled.

The “Remebering Newton Falls” Facebook page features a number of photos of the Manos Theatre, including this pair, one of the front and one showing the auditorium.

The caption of another photo says it depicts the Manos on its opening day, but unfortunately no movie is advertised on the marquee so we can’t tell what year that was. As The Film Daily of April 25, 1941, said that th Manos circuit intended to build the Newton Falls project, if there was no delay it was probably opened before the end of 1941, but I haven’t found any published confirmation.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Liberty Art Theater on Oct 18, 2017 at 11:30 am

The July 10, 1958, issue of Motion Picture Daily mentions the Liberty Theatre, which had just been closed by its long time owners, the Vogel Brothers:

“Vogel Bros. Move Quarters to Salem

“Special to THE DAILY

“WELLSVILLE, O., July 8.-Vogel Brothers have permanently closed the Liberty, the only local theatre, which was built in 1922 by their late father, Clarence Vogel. They plan to dispose of the property and move to Salem as operational headquarters for their Bengies Drive-in, Baltimore, Md.; Midway Drive-In, Ravenna, O.; Salem Drive-In, Salem, and other Salem interests including a drive-in restaurant and a miniature golf course.

“Jack Vogel, an architectural engineer, has designed many drive-ins including one in Lima, Peru. Paul Vogel, an Army Reserve lieutenant colonel, returns periodically to active duty as instructor at the Army Command and General Staff Officers' School, Ft. Meade, Md.”

As far as I know I’m not related to the Wellsville Vogels. But there are a couple of odd items about this theater from The Moving Picture World in 1923. The first is from the March 10 issue:
“The Literary [sic] Theatre, a new picture house recently opened at Wellsville, Ohio, is the first theatre to be opened in the Wellsville district since the closing of the old Cooper Opera House, which several years ago was famous throughout the Ohio Valley as one of the first burlesque houses in existence within the State.”
The second, from the March 17 issue, is almost identical:
“The Literary Theatre at Wellsville, Ohio, is among the newest picture houses to open in that vicinity. This is the first theatre project in the Wellsville district since the old Valley Theatre was closed several years ago. the Valley being prominent in its time as one of the earliest burlesque houses.”
Why the typesetter for the magazine would think that the house was called the Literary Theatre is anybody’s guess, but most likely the information was conveyed to the magazine in a handwritten letter from the theater’s owner, Clarence Vogel, and Mr. Vogel might have had terrible handwriting. (Hey, maybe we are related, after all.)

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Carol Theater on Oct 17, 2017 at 4:49 pm

The photo Khnemu uploaded has convinced me that the Carol Theatre, originally the Park Theatre, was indeed on Canal Street. The position of the water tower (surely still in the same location) in relation to the original theater shows that it couldn’t have been anywhere else but on the west side of Canal north of Broad Street, and probably just north of where there is now a McDonald’s (judging from the angle of view of the water tower.) Everything on the block in the photo has been wiped out.

I’ve also found that the Park had earlier been called the Strand. The January 30, 1933, issue of The Film Daily had this brief item: “Newton Falls — Park (Strand), sold to H. M. Rader.” The Strand was also mentioned in the August 5, 1922, issue of Moving Picture World, which said in its “Changes in Management” column that the house had “…opened under management of N. A. Rubenson.”

The Carol Theatre was to be enlarged to accommodate an additional 200 seats, according to an item in the July 18, 1941, issue of The Film Daily.

The house at 11 W. Broad Street was the Manos Theatre. According to one comment on the “Remembering Newton Falls” Facebook page, the Manos closed around 1964 and the Carol in the early 1940s. However, the Glenn Ford movie Framed, on the Carol’s marquee in the vintage photo, was released in 1947, so I don’t know how reliable the other claim is. I’ve dug up a bit more about the Manos, but I’ll wait until it gets its own page to post it.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Orpheum Theatre on Oct 16, 2017 at 1:23 pm

The “Images of America” series book McKees Rocks and Stowe Township, by Bernadette Sulzer Agreen, McKees Rocks Historical Society, says that the town’s Orpheum Theatre opened in October, 1923 (Google Books preview.)

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Carol Theater on Oct 16, 2017 at 12:54 pm

Are we sure the Carol Theatre was on Canal Street? An ebay seller currently has a postcard with an aerial view of Broad Street in Newton Falls (link that probably won’t last long) and it looks like there is a theater on the north side of that street just west of Center Street. Even enlarged the scan isn’t clear enough to show the theater name on the marquee, but it does appear to be five letters.

The building is still standing, though with an extensively remodeled front, and houses a Mexican restaurant and lounge called Mi Amigo, which opened in 2014. The address is 11 W. Broad Street. It looks like a theater building in Google’s satellite view, too. I know that CinemaTour lists Canal Street as the location of the house, but they’ve been wrong before, and if I were making a bet my money would be on 11 W. Broad Street as the location of the Carol Theatre.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Take Two Cinemas on Oct 16, 2017 at 12:00 pm

The name of the neighborhood and its theater originates from a Mi'kmaq word, according to this web page. It doesn’t seem much odder than a lot of other names of Native American origin, though as far as I know it has not yet inspired any limericks, as Nantucket did.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Gaiety Theatre on Oct 15, 2017 at 12:37 pm

This photo of Queen Street dated 1962 shows the entrance of the Gaiety at left.

This web page has a closeup of the Gaiety’s entrance, undated, as well as photos of the Gem and Capitol Theatres, two houses that sequentially occupied a site at the corner of King and Carleton Streets.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Gem Theatre on Oct 15, 2017 at 12:26 pm

This web page has an old photo of the Gem Theatre, as well as its successor, the Capitol Theatre, and the Gaiety Theatre on Queen Street.

I’ve set street view to the northeast corner of the intersection, as that was the most likely location for the Gem and the Capitol. There is a slight chance they were located on the southeast corner, but that would have put their entrances on Carleton Street, which is less likely than that they would have been on King Street.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Capitol Theatre on Oct 15, 2017 at 12:18 pm

This web page has vintage photos of the Capitol Theatre and of its predecessor, the Gem, as well as the Gaiety Theatre on Queen Street.

It isn’t possible to tell with absolute certainty from the old photo which corner of the intersection the Capitol was on, but given the slight but noticeable slope of the foundation, it was most likely the northeast corner. From that location the vertical sign would have been visible from the main part of the business district, as well, so that’s where I have set the street view.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Plaza Cinemas on Oct 15, 2017 at 11:56 am

This web page with many nostalgic recollections of the Plaza Cinemas (among other things) says that the expansion to four screens was part of extensive renovations that were undertaken in 1982-83. The building has been converted to retail space.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Scottish Rite Auditorium on Oct 14, 2017 at 4:19 pm

They appear to have had live events, all local in nature, a couple of times a year in recent years, some being pictured on their Facebook page, but the page has no listing of upcoming events. I would imagine the Masons hold their non-public meetings in the building, too, so it’s in use but not very usefully to anybody else.

A couple of photos on the Facebook page show the theater’s proscenium, another has part of the auditorium side wall in the background, and a third shows a bit of the back wall. It’s nice looking if fairly plain interior, and looks to be in good condition.

Rather bizarrely, their Facebook page has a link to a web site for a different Scottish Rite Auditorium in Collingswood, New Jersey.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Atlantic Theater on Oct 13, 2017 at 2:49 pm

The Atlantic was operating as a Chinese language movie house at least as late as 1983, when this photo was taken. It was pretty shabby by then. I’ve never seen a photo from the period when it was a regular movie house, or from the 1970s when it was running porn movies.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Dreamworld on Oct 10, 2017 at 4:57 pm

A Dreamland Theatre at Morgan City is mentioned in the January 15, 1910, issue of Moving Picture World. However, this was either a mistake made by the magazine, or the name was subsequently changed, as the July 2 issue carried a brief item dateline Morgan City saying “Dreamworld, a picture house, is being remodeled.”

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Shastona Theatre on Oct 8, 2017 at 11:42 pm

The Shastona Theatre is now occupied by the local Elk’s lodge.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Rex Theatre on Oct 8, 2017 at 11:04 pm

Closer inspection of the vintage photo now leads me to believe that the Rex was actually in what is now the one-story section of the Ace hardware store. The storefront next door to the east, occupied by Range Sports, is at 206 Chestnut, so the Rex was probably at 208 Chestnut. The facebrick showing on the parapet is a pretty close match for that on the main section of the hardware store, so it was probably built around the same time. Unless the old building merely got anew facade, the Rex was probably demolished.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Rex Theatre on Oct 8, 2017 at 10:54 pm

Comparing the vintage photo uploaded by David Zornig with current Google street view, it can be seen that the Rex Theatre (or at least its entrance) was on the easternmost of the two lots now occupied by the brick, two-story section of Grande Ace Hardware, which is at 212-214 Chestnut. The address of the Rex was thus probably 212 Chestnut Street. The Ace building is of a plain style characteristic of the early or mid-1930s, so the Rex was likely demolished not long after it closed.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Paramount Theatre on Oct 5, 2017 at 8:05 am

Looking at the back of the Paramount in the street view from 3rd Street, it’s possible to see that a corner of the parapet wall of the auditorium has collapsed. Checking the Internet, I found that part of the roof collapsed almost five years ago, and the interior damage to the auditorium is shown in this photo from the January 3, 2013, issue of the Clarksdale Press Register.

The caption says that a local developer was acquiring the building and intended to have it open by the end of the year, but I can’t find anything more recent about the project so I would assume it remains unaccomplished. But neither is there anything about a demolition of the building, so I’d assume it’s still standing, if only barely.

Judging from street and satellite views, the Paramount has a large stage house— no wider than the auditorium, but surprisingly deep. It could be a good venue for live events. However, Clarksdale is not a large or prosperous city. The 2010 census gave it a population of 17,962, and the estimate of the population in 2016 was only 16,272.

A shrinking city with a straitened economy is unlikely to be able to manage the restoration of a large theater on its own, let alone support its use with solely local custom. In the absence of an outside angel coming to the rescue, with both funds and a plan to mount shows that would attract patrons from far and wide, the future does not look bright for the Paramount.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Linden Theater on Oct 4, 2017 at 12:05 pm

The Greater Refuge Temple Church, current occupants of this theater and adjacent, newer buildings, has a number of music videos on display at YouTube, but if they depict the interior of the theater it has been altered beyond recognition. I think, however, that the big room appearing in the videos might be in a newer part of the large complex that has grown from the theater. The theater’s exterior is quite recognizable, in any case, and very well maintained, if somewhat exotically painted.

In 1926, the Linden Theatre was one of three houses being operated by Vassiliadis Brothers, the other being the Clinton-Strand, and the Central Park, which they had just taken over according to the February 20 issue of Motion Picture News.