Comments from Joe Vogel

Showing 3,726 - 3,750 of 14,589 comments

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Hologram USA Hollywood Theater on Jan 21, 2017 at 2:41 pm

I’ve heard nothing about the status of the hologram project at the Ritz, nor can I find anything new about it on the Internet. I suspect that the technology is not advancing as rapidly as its promoters hoped. It might be along time before the Ritz opens with its new format, if it ever does.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Princess Theatre on Jan 19, 2017 at 4:47 pm

Here is an excerpt from an article by Christine U'Ren for the San Francisco Silent Film Festival blog:

“‘Miss Fan Bourke, who will be remembered by Mutual fans as a particularly attractive member of the Thanhouser stock company, has changed her vocation,’ wrote Mutual’s magazine Reel Life [Jan. 8, 1916]. ‘She is now running a "votes for women” motion picture theater, the Princess, in New Rochelle, N. Y.…’ Bourke managed the theater as a neighborhood concern with a focus on films suitable for families. With pianist ‘Miss Julia Miller, also a former Thanhouser actress,’ Bourke hosted special events and gave personal appearances—local patrons enjoyed comparing the onscreen Miss Bourke with the real-life version.

“‘The interest of suffragists was won by the theatre at election time. Miss Bourke had the lobby of her theatre hung in suffrage colors and banners.

“‘…in two months’ time she has worked the Princess up from a house about to be closed to one in which the 500 seats are filled every evening.‘”

The Thanhouser studio was located in New Rochelle. Ms. U'Ren’s article can be found at this link, though the excerpt quoted here is the only part pertaining to the Princess.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Ritz Theater on Jan 18, 2017 at 7:47 pm

Since 1978, when the main floor of the Comerford Theatre was converted into a mini-mall, the Ritz has occupied only the former theater’s balcony, so the listed seating capacity of 1,600 is vastly overstated.

Michael Comrford had bought an interest in the Poli Theatres in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre in 1924, but it was when he formed a partnership with Paramount-Publix in 1930 that the Poli was renamed the Ritz, following a renovation.

An article in the May 31, 2009, issue of the Scranton Times-Tribune says that the far more extensive remodeling (almost a complete rebuilding) creating the theater as it existed until 1978 didn’t take place until 1937. This project involved the removal of the Poli’s gallery, the rebuilding of the balcony, an enlargement of the stage, and the construction of the new Art Deco front of glazed tiles. The reopening of the house as the Comerford Theatre took place on September 16, 1937.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Colonial Theatre on Jan 18, 2017 at 6:11 pm

Here’s a handy link to the comment DavidZornig refers to.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Sun Theatre on Jan 18, 2017 at 5:38 pm

That would be Harry Meginnis and Edward G. Schaumberg (firm’s mini-bio.)

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Paramount Theatre on Jan 18, 2017 at 5:37 pm

The sphinx stair decoration was in the Broadway entrance to the building. The building it was in is still standing, but the entrance was closed in 1929 and the space converted to a retail store. I have no idea what became of that sphinx.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Story Theatre-Grand Opera House on Jan 18, 2017 at 5:21 pm

The Story Theater’s website is unreachable with the current link. Try this one. No movies or other events are currently scheduled. That might be due to the winter weather, but I also suspect that the house has not yet been able to make the transition to digital equipment, a heavy investment for a house with an admission price of only $3.00.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Florida Theatre on Jan 18, 2017 at 4:02 pm

The newspaper page rivest266 linked to features a courtesy ad placed by architect Roy A. Benjamin, which indicates that he designed this house for E. J. Sparks.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Grand Theatre on Jan 18, 2017 at 3:46 pm

Here is the Indiana Memory Project’s postcard image of the Liberty Theatre, probably from the 1920s.

Page 71 of Terre Haute & Vigo County in Vintage Postcards, by Dorothy W. Jerse and John R. Becker (Google Books preview) has a photo of the Varieties Theatre (built 1907) and a drawing of the Liberty, which “…opened soon after World War I….” The book’s copyright is 2001 and it says that the structure was housing the Star-Tribune presses, so the demolition of the building took place in this century.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Carmike Beverly Cinema 18 on Jan 17, 2017 at 3:27 pm

The Beverly was opened by GKC Theaters in December, 1995, as a 12 screen house. It was expanded to 18 screens in 1999. Carmike acquired the venue in 2005. The six-screen addition was demolished in 2012 so that construction on the replacement project could begin, but the original 12 screen theater was kept operating until mid-February, 2013.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about AMC Majestic 12 on Jan 17, 2017 at 2:21 pm

Linkrot repair: Artech Design Group’s page about the Majestic is now at this link.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Park Theater on Jan 17, 2017 at 1:48 pm

The Park Theater has a Facebook page. The most recent event posted was a concert on April 20, 2012. The most recent update to the page is from December 8, 2016. This article says that the project will receive a $600,000 grant from the State of New York.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Uptown Theatre on Jan 16, 2017 at 7:13 pm

The Uptown Theatre was at 120 S. Merrill Avenue. It opened in 1930 as the Rex Theatre. Until that year, the building at 120-122 S. Merrill had supported a wood-framed second floor which housed the Glendive Opera House, a 200-seat venue that had spent its last years as a speakeasy. This page from the Glendive Ranger-Review web site has a brief history of the building. Unfortunately, the slide show that originally accompanied it is no longer displayed.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Palace Theater on Jan 16, 2017 at 4:07 pm

So far I’ve been unable to find any references to a Palace Theatre at Salamanca in the trade journals. It might have been a short-lived storefront house, or might have had a name change.

The January 6, 1917, issue of The Moving Picture World mentions a small fire at the Palm Garden Theatre in Salamanca. And later that same year Salamanca had a house called the Strand Theatre, operated by Reverend H. E. Robbins, rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. A letter from Robbins was published in the December 8, 1917, issue of Motography. The Strand was mentioned in the trades at least as late as 1923.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Strand Theatre on Jan 16, 2017 at 3:57 pm

The Strand was remodeled in 1917, as noted in the July 14 issue of The American Contractor:

:“Theater, Store, Office & Hall (alt.): 100x112. Starr Lane & Centre St.. Jamaica Plain dist. Archt. E. R. B. Chapman, 44 Bromfleld St., Boston, & 119 Franklin St., Stoneham, Mass. Owner F. J. Horgan, Strand Theater, Jamaica Plain. Redrawing plans.”
Judging from mentions in trade journals and books of the period, E. R. B. Chapman was fairly busy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but he seems not to be remembered today.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Egyptian Theatre on Jan 14, 2017 at 6:55 pm

The Egyptian Theatre’s location is now occupied by the City Tavern, a bar and grill. I can’t tell from Google street view if it’s an old building or not. There is a bare brick wall along E. North Street such as the side wall of an auditorium would be, but it looks to be in very good condition and might date from the 1930s or later, nor does the building extend all the way to the end of the property, there being a parking area at the rear.

In the 1922 Film Year Book, the Casino is on a list of theaters “…owned, controlled, operated by, or in which Famous Players-Lasky, Inc., is interested.”

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Garden Theatre on Jan 13, 2017 at 11:41 pm

An item in the May 6, 1916, issue of The Moving Picture World said that Elwyn Simon, proprietor of the Family Theatre at Adrian, Michigan, had taken over the Star Theatre there and changed its name to the Garden Theatre. Extensive improvements were planned for the house.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Family Theatre on Jan 13, 2017 at 10:22 pm

In the mid-1910s, the Family Theatre was operated by Elwyn M. Simon, whose clever promotional techniques were lauded in this article from the December 4, 1915, issue of The Moving Picture World:

“New Family Theater at Adrian, Mich., Big Success

“Manager E. M. Simon Shows Imagination in Putting On Special Features — Is Making His Picture Theater a Valuable Asset to His Community.

“ONE of the livest exhibitors in the southern part of Michigan is E. M. Simon, of the New Family theater, Adrian. He is using big-town ideas in a city of about 10,000 and is making a big success of his theater, which only goes to prove that methods employed in the large theaters in the large cities can be carried out just as successfully in the smaller theaters and in the smaller cities.

“For instance, in connection with ‘Madam Butterfly,’ produced by Jesse Lasky and released through the Paramount, Mr. Simon used incense from his stage; distributed chrysanthemums to the ladies, served tea at both the matinees, and gave his house a typical Japanese atmosphere. Movable serving tables were used for serving the tea; girls dressed up as Japanese maidens passed around the tea. The ‘color’ and ‘atmosphere’ given this production was even better and superior than in some of the larger cities. Everybody in Adrian was talking about ‘Madam Butterfly’ and the result was capacity business during the two days it was shown.

“Mr. Simon recently formed the New Family Children’s Drama League. He gave free performances in the morning on Saturdays for children only. The entertainment usually consisting of a travel picture and a comedy. So popular did these free shows prove that he has found it necessary to give two and three performances in the morning. It was operated like this. He picked out one banker, one clothing merchant, one jeweler and one drygoods dealer, who distributed the tickets. There was no charge. The object in distributing the tickets in this way was to get the leading merchants interested. When other merchants saw how popular the Drama League was becoming, they asked Mr. Simon what was necessary to become a member. Mr. Simon then told them the charge was $10 per year and that they could distribute a certain number of tickets each week. Every leading merchant in Adrian is now a member of the league, which is doing a great deal of good for the boys and girls of that city. It costs about a few dollars for lights, film, etc., every Saturday, but the publicity and advertising we derive from the free shows is worth it.‘”

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Globe Theater on Jan 10, 2017 at 1:50 pm

This announcement about the Globe Theatre appeared in the October 24, 1912, issue of Engineering News:

“G. Morton Wolfe, Arch., 638 Ellicott Square Bldg., has completed plans and is receiving bids for the Globe Theater building, 70x150 ft., to be erected at Main and West Ferry Sts., by the Sherman Amusement Co., Charles S. Sherman, Pres. Cost, $50,000.”
George Morton Wolfe also designed the Circle Theatre in Buffalo and the Strand Theatre at Erie, Pennsylvania.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Bijou Theatre on Jan 10, 2017 at 2:04 am

The Bijou was mentioned often in issues of The Billboard around 1908. It was then operating as a combination house, with movies and vaudeville.

In 1913 the Bijou got an entirely new front featuring “…tile, mosaic entrance, prism glass, metal sign, etc….” according to the June 7 issue of Construction News. The project was designed by local architect George Issenhuth.

Issenhuth was also the architect of the Opera House at Ellendale, ND, which was built in 1908 and is still standing and in use, but I’ve been unable to determine if it ever operated as a movie house.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Washington Center for the Performing Arts on Jan 9, 2017 at 2:10 am

The September 20, 1924, issue of The Moving Picture World gives the opening date of the Liberty Theatre as August 30. The Moore Amusement Company house featured vaudeville and pictures:

“Governor Hart made a speech of welcome at the Olympia opening, and after the show dancing was enjoyed on the stage by out of town guests. The Liberty will house Ackerman and Harris vaudeville and feature pictures. It is under the direction of Jensen & Von Herberg. H. T. Moore is manager of the Moore Amusement Co.”

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Historic Everett Theater on Jan 9, 2017 at 2:04 am

The opening of the Everett Theatre was noted in this item from the September 20, 1924, issue of The Moving Picture World:

“The magnificent new Everett, costing over $250,000, opened on August 29 to capacity audiences. The house is the last word in modern theatre construction, and is not equaled anywhere on the Pacific Northwest for beauty and comfort. Pilz & Swanson are owners. D. G. Inverarity, well known theatrical manager and showman, is house manager. Of particular interest was the fact that the opening shows were accomplished absolutely without a hitch of any kind, as though the house had been running for weeks.”

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Hollywood Cinema North on Jan 9, 2017 at 1:51 am

The September 20, 1924, issue of The Moving Picture World said that “[a] new theatre, to be known as the Hollywood, is being erected at College Hill, a suburb of Cincinnati, by the Hollywood Theatre Co., of which Thos. Corcoran, a Cincinnati manufacturer, is at the head.”

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Gralyn Theatre on Jan 9, 2017 at 1:38 am

This article about the Gralyn Theatre appeared in Exhibitors Herald of January 3, 1920:

“New Gouverneur Theatre Contracts for Fox Films

“Special advices from its exchange office at Buffalo, N. Y. inform Fox Film Corporation that a contract has been closed with J. Claire Carpenter, who is building a beautiful motion picture theatre in the city of Gouverneur, N. Y.

“Mr. Carpenter plans to make his new house which will be called ‘The Gralyn,’ the last word in modern theatre design and construction, fitted with every possible comfort for his patrons. Work has started on the structure the last week in August, and according to reports of the contractors, the building will be ready for official opening on January 15 next.

“No definite decision has been made regarding the screen production which will be used to open The Gralyn, but among several big season successes now under consideration is the William Fox adaptation of Longfellow’s ‘Evangeline’ a classic of the screen. Present indications point to a decision in favor of ‘Evangeline’ and Fox’s Buffalo exchange is working with this in view. Mr. Carpenter, an enterprising showman who knows thoroughly the film field and its possibilities, has signed a contract covering the entire Fox output for the coming year.

“Judging from the plans of Mr. Carpenter, The Gralyn will put Gouverneur conspicuously on the film map. The owner has several distinctive ideas on operation of a combination stage and screen theatre. The film industry will look forward with interest to the progress of this exhibitor.”

This web page from the Gouverneur Museum has a photo of the Gralyn Theatre’s projector, which is among the museuem’s holdings. The accompanying article says that the house closed in 1989 and was demolished in 2000. There is also a link to a 1981 photo of the house at American Classic Images.

Joe Vogel
Joe Vogel commented about Gralyn Theatre on Jan 9, 2017 at 1:08 am

Here is another PDF, this one featuring a page from the November 3, 1999, issue of the Gouverneur Tribune Press. There are three photos of the theater, but not very well reproduced. Still, it’s possible to tell from a photo of the auditorium that it was considerably wider than the building that still stands at 119 E. Main Street.

The article says that the roof of the auditorium had partly collapsed the previous year, and that the deteriorating structure would probably soon be demolished. This must have taken place. The 1920 auditorium must have been added behind an existing store building, still standing, which became the theater entrance. It is rather narrow and looks like it dates from the 19th century. Google’s satellite view shows a grassy field behind the building and its neighbors, which would have been the site of the demolished auditorium.