1929 photo added.
Fox Roller Skating Girls 1929 by Schutz Photo, Capitol Photo Service Collection. Courtesy Panoramic Images.
Fox marquee just visible on the far right.
It was the largest version of the image I could find.
It was in an e-mail from the Historical Society of Washington D.C.regarding an upcoming event called the Bootlegger’s Ball.
1970 photo added courtesy of Al Ponte’s Time Machine – New York Facebook page.
1929 photo added courtesy of the Duke University Collection.
1938 photo added courtesy of Al Ponte’s Time Machine – New York Facebook page. B.F. Keith’s Palace marquee.
1938 photo added courtesy of Al Ponte’s Time Machine – New York Facebook page.
1941 photo added courtesy of Al Ponte’s Time Machine – New York Facebook page.
Circa 1910’s photo added courtesy of the Duke University Collection.
1958 photo added courtesy of Al Ponte’s Time Machine – New York Facebook page.
Correction May 1980.
May 1980 photo as the Forum added, photo credit Chet-Kresiak. “The Long Riders” on the marquee.
1952 photo added courtesy of Al Ponte’s Time Machine – New York Facebook page.
Many more photos on the Silco Facebook page.
Silco’s Facebook page.
Oil on canvas Varsity painting added, copyright Don Elmi via the below website. Many other theatres featured in it as well. Copy & paste to view.
Many other Don Elmi paintings and various photographs of other theatres on the below website.
1951 photo added courtesy of TimePassagesNostalgia.com.
1929 photo added. Fox Roller Skating Girls 1929 by Schutz Photo, Capitol Photo Service Collection. Courtesy Panoramic Images. Fox marquee just visible on the far right. It was the largest version of the image I could find. It was in an e-mail from the Historical Society of Washington D.C.regarding an upcoming event called the Bootlegger’s Ball.
Circa 1951 photo added featuring Sam Barris' `49 Mercury custom next to the Compton sign.
1966 print ad added courtesy of Nancy Wilson.
1939 photo added credit S&G Barratts.
1944 photo added as Loew’s Criterion, courtesy of the History In Pictures Facebook page. Clothing collection drive for war victims.
1945 photo added as Queens Moving Pictures, courtesy of the History In Pictures Facebook page.
1945 photo added courtesy of the History In Pictures Facebook page.
1953 photo added, photo credit Samuel Gottscho.
1953 photo added, photo credit Samuel Gottscho.
Circa 1927 photo added courtesy of Henry F. Beck. Sign promoting the Saenger’s building costs mounted over the entryway.
April 1932 ticket image added, courtesy of Kathy Martello.