Has anyone noticed that the ad on the billboard is for a show that ended in May 2006? Who are they marketing to? Procrastinating art lovers? http://tinyurl.com/6jafj2
Here is the original story from four days earlier, before the hapless Mr. Otto confessed:
Bandit Takes Theater Cash
Victim for the second time in 14 months of a daring daylight robbery, Norris W. Otto, theater manager, was beaten on the head with an iron pipe and robbed of $1200 in receipts as he was leaving for the bank today.
Since the robbery of $500 last year, the office door has been kept locked. Today Otto counted the money, placed it in a sack and left the office. He had descended the stairs a short distance when he was struck from behind. He was knocked unconscious and did not recover until a half-hour later, when he dragged himself to the office. The pipe with which he was struck was found on the stairway by E.H. Schultz, a theater confectionary operator. Otto could not give police a description of the bandit.
There’s a red canopy over the front door now, otherwise the building looks the same as in Ken’s 2006 photos. It looks like the embossed sign is permanent, which is too bad as I wanted to see the old theater sign.
Here are some February 2002 photos:
Here is a December 2008 photo:
Filming at the Mayan today:
Funny you should mention that. See my post from about an hour ago on this page:
Here’s a whopper. I’ve never been to Memphis, but it looks amazingly like San Francisco:
The book was $40. Wife was with me, so no go. Nice photos.
Here is a color version of the 1971 photo I posted on 11/4/07, along with a 1955 photo. Both are from Life Magazine:
Here is a photo of one wing taken yesterday. The other wing has been brutalized.
There is a very nice version of the LOC photo in a new book called “Historic Photos of Los Angeles”.
Here is a December 2008 photo:
Here is a photo taken yesterday:
The show on the billboard ended in May 2006.
OK, the billboard is on the Cameo next door. Same issue, though.
Has anyone noticed that the ad on the billboard is for a show that ended in May 2006? Who are they marketing to? Procrastinating art lovers?
Here is a December 2008 photo:
Their original restaurant was in San Bernardino.
When I saw Earthquake in Sensurround in 1974, in Ventnor NJ, the seats shook but it wasn’t anything earth-shaking, no pun intended.
Style should be “Early McDonalds”.
The Princess was razed in July 1941, according to the Chicago Tribune.
Chicago Loses Another Theater
July 16-From Chicago comes word that any day now wreckers will start razing the Princess Theatre, on South Clark Street.
I don’t know why it was Otto in the first story and Ott in the second. Maybe he knocked a letter off his name when he hit himself with the pipe.
Here is the original story from four days earlier, before the hapless Mr. Otto confessed:
Bandit Takes Theater Cash
Victim for the second time in 14 months of a daring daylight robbery, Norris W. Otto, theater manager, was beaten on the head with an iron pipe and robbed of $1200 in receipts as he was leaving for the bank today.
Since the robbery of $500 last year, the office door has been kept locked. Today Otto counted the money, placed it in a sack and left the office. He had descended the stairs a short distance when he was struck from behind. He was knocked unconscious and did not recover until a half-hour later, when he dragged himself to the office. The pipe with which he was struck was found on the stairway by E.H. Schultz, a theater confectionary operator. Otto could not give police a description of the bandit.
There’s a red canopy over the front door now, otherwise the building looks the same as in Ken’s 2006 photos. It looks like the embossed sign is permanent, which is too bad as I wanted to see the old theater sign.
The cost of restoration was up to 750K by March 2006:
Here is a 1955 photo:
More photos here: