DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

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RestorationRita on October 15, 2005 at 2:30 pm

Gee Ms. Shoff, it’s funny to me when you are naming names you don’t mention any of your anti-theatre buddies, people such as LombardianDistrict4 who recently put up one of the most vulgar and disgusting posts I have ever seen on here, or Challenger, or Corcerned who posts nothing but dishonest info about the theatre.

I hope that the Friends don’t take you up on your invite, but considering their track record lately, you’ll probably become thier best buddy…Right up till the dozers come in…

MarisaSchoff on October 15, 2005 at 2:20 pm

It is time to cool off and not sink to Mr. Devitt’s level.

Ms. Dynako has a point and I appreciate someone finally telling duper supporter to back off.

We are neighbors, in fact, Ms. Dynako and I live 2 blocks apart and it is a shame that this issue has brought out the worst in so many people.

The past is the past, so to debate past fundraising efforts, RSC plan etc. is not productive for anyone.

As far as the lawsuit goes, I’m not sure how I feel. I have always hoped that some private developer could have purchased and renovated the theater on their own money and kept it within codes so that we could keep the theatre building. It’s hard to imagine that can happen in 6 short months, when in 5 years the RSC plan was the best that could be found. I also don’t like the idea of my tax dollars paying for an attorney to defend itself against this suit. That being said, if the theatre group would even consider having talks with the library board for adaptive-reuse or if a private developer could be found who would renovate the theatre for retail/restaurant use (like in Hinsdale)as opposed to a “cultural arts theatre”. Perhaps some people would consider rethinking their stance.

Who knows, a lot of bridges have been burned. That is why Mr. Devitt, duper and the like are really hurting the cause of people like Ms. Dynako who really care about the theatre.

Deb, you and I have not agreed on much and you have been pretty tough on me in previous posts in falsely accusing me of posting under “DebDupe” of which I have NEVER. However, if any part of what I stated previously sounds like it might be something the Friends are looking at for the theatre, then feel free to e-mail me at

Have a great night all…

RestorationRita on October 15, 2005 at 2:18 pm

Oh no, please tell us why it would have been untimely. I for one agree the strategy to do it-it would have made great publicity as previously stated, and really put pressure on the Board. Ovbiously, not much else has helped the cause…

DebDynako on October 15, 2005 at 2:10 pm

Rita, yes, his wife quit as well, and after many long hours of hard work and service as secretary and other important roles. She has a little one at home and other priorities at this time. Mr. Devitt personally emailed me about his resignation. I don’t think I need to discuss this further. Mr. Devitt’s reputation has been battered about enough, if you ask me. If I’ve had enough of seeing him maligned, I’m sure he has as well.

Going door-to-door at the time it was mentioned was, in fact, untimely for a multitude of reasons. But I’m not going to rehash old strategy. It’s time to look forward. Again, is anyone willing to join forces?

Fellow preservationists, let’s chat about some success stories that might fit the bill for the DuPage Theatre.

RestorationRita on October 15, 2005 at 1:16 pm

Last I heard, it was his wife that quit, not him…
Any comment’s from Ms. Dynako on DupageDude’s statement that the Friends refused to listen to their own members and go door-to-door on a petition drive?
I have not seen any vulgar and offensive comments from any one named Jim Devitt on here, so how could he have made them? I’m starting to not believe EITHER side on this issue…

DebDynako on October 15, 2005 at 11:13 am

Look, “Deb” Dupe…

Five years is a long time. Two ad hoc committees and the Foundation were all asked to get different information to the Village Board. Each group did what they were ASKED to do. Now the story is different. We can actually think outside the box to find a solution. So let’s try and do that. Together!

It’s easy to criticize the efforts of others when you haven’t stood in their shoes. It’s easy to sit on the sidelines and play Monday Morning Quarterback. It takes a bit more investment to actually come forward and show some dedication to a cause and try to find a way to make it work.

This is not pennance. Trying to save the theatre is nothing to be sorry for. Come on out, Dupe! Let’s have a real sit down with those concerned residents who post here and see what great things we can accomplish together!

DuPageIsDone on October 15, 2005 at 10:50 am

Sure Deb…yeah right. When will you realize that without private capital the theatre is going nowhere except the dump? You failed for the last five plus years and you think that by putting out an olive branch at this point is going to find a solution in six months? You friends must smoke something pretty potent if you truly think something will happen. Once the judge tosses the suit it will be literally days if not hours until the demolition begins once and for all since the village staff has had it with this place. You all blew it….your pennance is a day late and $10 million short.

DebDynako on October 15, 2005 at 10:38 am

A few months back Jim Devitt left the company of the Friends of his own accord. It was a decision he made and we accepted.

I wish that all of us on this site would take a deep breath. duper supporter, although I’m not sure if you are Mr. Devitt, I am thankful for your support. But Dupe neighbor is right that it doesn’t help to inflame this issue. We are, after all, neighbors. What I ask is that, if the judge does grant us a six-month stay—-and a precious opportunity of second chances—we could all come to the table and formulate a plan to save the theatre that maybe would compel the Village Board to take another look at the situation. Showing that opposite sides could come together and make a positive difference in the community. That other communities would look to for inspiration when they found themselves in a similar situation.

Again, let’s think about this as a proactive and constructive manner. Let’s put an end to the name calling.

Regards, Deb

DMS on October 15, 2005 at 10:18 am

Rita- where are your harsh words for Jim Devitt and his multiple aliases? How about ghamilton and his extremely vulgar comments?

Do you know how many people have gotten off the sidelines and gotten involved in the theatre fight because of the offensive attacks made by Mr. Devitt? You should be ashamed to have him supporting the theatre effort by antagonizing the opposition. He has damaged your cause’s character by continually engaging people in this kind of discussion.

I heard he was no longer a member of the Friends – that should be said publicly. He continues to fuel the fire because he has nothing better to do. He doesn’t live in Lombard and his only concern is winning his personal war with Trustee Sebby and others.

When will you stand up and reprimand him? He is a PR nightmare for the people who truly care about the theatre. He makes you all look like jerks and you should stop him before he gets anymore out of hand.

The question is will you?

RestorationRita on October 15, 2005 at 9:13 am

Why have the moderators allowed this kind of trash talk to continue? Ovbiously LombardianDistrict4’s sole person is to disrupt this board. He has made lewd and vulgar comments, and I for one would like to see him banned. Perfect example above; he chastises someone for not revealing their identity, when he won’t reveal his. It’s so childish, it’s not even funny!

BobDifino on October 15, 2005 at 7:55 am

duper supporter and dupage dude and robert r are all the same guy…Jim Devitt. Make no bones about it folks! He won’t post his identity…He is a fraud. “By the way Jimmy, I still have your t-shirts you never picked up!

raymond on October 15, 2005 at 7:27 am

This is ABSURD.This Lombardiandistrict 4 person must be INSANE.
First he says that the District87 board discussed in executive session about their innergovernmental agreement with Lombard when when the were NO such discussions.
He posts board meeting dates where the innergovernmental agreement was discussed and voted,and that never occcured.With all of his ridiculous posts he accuses the GOOD people on the District87 board of COLLUSION.
Now he is accusing a “Friend” [Duper supporter] of of vandalism to someone’s property………TOTAL INSANITY! Spare the readers from his babbling ramblings.What will he say next?
For the record AGAIN I [duper supporter] am NOT this Dupage Dude,or Robert R,or Petey K,or Preservationist Jim Devitt,or “Fitzt"
or anyone else who posts messages on this forum.Get that through you dense skull.
Dupe neighbor!…… From the minutes of June 2nd board meeting.
Martin Carroll stated” The TIF was not passed in the May session BUT Senator Cronin has pledged that it will pass in the fall or the spring session and the funding would not be needed until 2007 under the RSC plan.He commented that all of the school districts were in favor of the TIF.“
Ms.Dynako. I agree that we should all STAY focused on our#1 target.
Saving the Dupage Theatre.I cannot and WILL NOT loose focus of OUR #1 goal.Saving the Theatre.
Many people visit this website and read the comments posted.
Why should the mis-truths,lies and distortions that are posted on this site by the five or six theatre haters go unchallengd?
If those Anti-preservationist theatre haters want to post that kind of garbage then they should find some other website or create their own.
Remember.The BEST defense is the "BEST OFFENSE.”
Also this dupage dude [whoever he is] make a good point about getting petition signatures from registered voters.We should have taken a look at that as another option.
Now please don’t say that I [duper supporter]am dupage dude or anybody else.
Lets put that issue to rest.Please!

DuPageIsDone on October 15, 2005 at 6:00 am

How fascinating that the leader of the Lombard Historical Commission seems to have resigned his post due to disagreement with the pending litigation against the Village of Lombard in regards to stopping the long overdue demolition of the DuPage Theatre.

The only dignity to be bestowed on this site at this time is a quick and quiet demolition. That will finally put this issue that has divided this village for so many years to its final rest. It is the only solution given that no one has come forth to save the day!

With all the connections that the National Trust has one would think this would be a piece of cake to fund. Not the case so instead they tie up the courts with outrageous lawsuits that make a mockery of our democratic system.

And DuPageDude…you got it so right, dude! If the friends had embraced the community it would be done by now.

DuPageDude on October 15, 2005 at 4:42 am

Just think, if the Friends had listened to one of their members and gone door-to-door getting signatures from registered voters on a petition, even if it was non-binding, …there would not be this problem, and a lot of money could have been saved!!

As far as the vandalism, I highly doubt it is true, since there was NO report of it in ANY of the papers! How are you “pretty certain” it was Duper since you don’t even know who it really is?

BobDifino on October 15, 2005 at 4:18 am

one way to begin rational, constructive discussion is to keep dupersupporter aka robertr off this board. He goes from website to website antagonizing people that will be impacted by whatever happens on that site. His behavior has caused many who were leaning towards helping to find preservation alternatives into demolitionists. I live immediately behind the theatre and was one of the few that wanted to consider preservation.

One of the gentleman from our block which is behind the theatre had his home vandalized. We are pretty certain it was duper supporter. The gentleman that had his home vandalized was in the process of gather votes from the neighbors about their intersts in an alternate restoration plan. Now he wants to demolish. Can you blame him?

TravisCape on October 14, 2005 at 11:46 pm

I agree with Deb. Is it too late for some of you guys to stop fighting and behave like rational adults? Somehow I find it hard to believe that there isn’t a viable way to adapt the theatre building into something new. I always hate to lose a theatre, but this one obviously needs more work than anyone around there has been willing to invest. Seriously, quit acting so hateful and treat this site with dignity.

DebDynako on October 14, 2005 at 7:17 pm

Stop. This isn’t getting anywhere. This is the reason why I’ve stopped posting. I’m not going to change your mind, and Challenger, et. al, you won’t change mine.

My focus, as is the Friends focus, is still on saving the Theatre. We’ve gone to court to ask a judge to grant a six-month stay of demolition. In the meantime, we’re looking for other viable alternatives for the theatre. It’s not all or nothing, I don’t think it ever was.

If you are interested in saving the theatre, then come together with us and look at some alternatives that will save it. We were pursuing plans that we were directed to by the village before the elections. After the elections, we found ourselves in a different game. What plan could possibly make the most people happy and save the theatre for my children to enjoy—-as an important piece of village history?

Look around here. There’s not much left to save. Yes, the Main Street Chapel. Yes, Lilacia Park. Yes the 2 museums. But there are only a few other business buildings left on St. Charles and that’s it. Why can’t this building be saved? Why can’t cooler heads prevail? Why can’t we stop bickering on this site and try to have a more constructive dialog? As far as I’m concerned, we’re back at square one. The judge did not throw us out of court, which he could have done twice by now. The National Trust and Landmarks Preservation Council believes in the Friends and in our wish to save the building—-and they’ve proved it by entering our lawsuit. In six months, many positive things can happen. And our community may be allowed to heal with the building still standing.

I know that will NOT happen if that building goes down.

Think about it.

Sincerely, Deb

DuPageIsDone on October 14, 2005 at 11:58 am

What mis-truths, distortions, and lies could you possibly be speaking of? The biggest lie continually posted to date are the dreaded three words “fully funded plan”. Does one need go any further?

And “ANTI-PRESERVATIONISTS theatre haters” are such strong words of discontent towards the truth seekers that strive to show what is really going on with the theatre. How sad…and this attitude as put out by “ghamilton” and “duper supporter” shows why their pet project failed so miserably.

raymond on October 14, 2005 at 11:35 am

Maybe Mr. Hamilton got caught up in the anger of the moment.You and your group of ANTI-PRESERVATIONISTS theatre haters post so many mis-truths,
distortions and Lies that maybe he couldn’t contol his words.
Just like George W.does from tome to time.
That is just my opinion!

DMS on October 14, 2005 at 10:48 am

Mr. Hamilton-

How can one mention their belief in God on one hand and then use the offensive term “tit suckers” on the other.

Say what you want about this discussion but no one has used language of that nature and it’s hardly befitting your so called lofty “preservationist” cause…yuck.

ghamilton on October 14, 2005 at 8:50 am

There isn’t any way on God’s Green Earth(yes,Virginia,there is a God,no matter what the aclu says)That all this clever,witty vitriol designed to make the DuPage look like a piece of Pakistan after the earthquake and any one who cares at all about heritage,history and the arts into conmen and public tit suckers who want to rip the oppressed taxpayer off UNLESS something very strange is going on.This thread now has the longest area of blurb and bleeps of any theater on this great internet offering.Most of this,including my meager drivel,needs to be consigned to cyber hell and you people just fight in court.

raymond on October 14, 2005 at 7:52 am

Deb dupe says “your latest development failed the test in the public opinion polls and it is finally over”….More exaggerations and ramblings.
What public opinion polls?
Many spoke approval of the R.S.C.development at village board meetings.Very few [5] spoke against the R.S.C. development.
The new plan is “fully” funded with the the same funds that one of your T.O.S.S. trustees wants to use for GRANTS to bribe new business into Lombard.Strange isn’t it.Those funds are what you and your group used as your M.O.against the theatre restoration.Now it going to come around and bite you in the -SS!
ghamilton has got the pulse as to what is going on…..“.Follow the money.”

DuPageIsDone on October 14, 2005 at 7:11 am

Well guess what, you failed anyway since it did not pass test with four of the trustees (TOSS I believe is what you named them). Bids for demolition are forthcoming to the board agenda in the next few weeks so your mindless rants make no difference. Goodbye DuPage…it’s been a good run but time for something new. And, for the record, it has been the same dozen or so supporters for years and years going before the board time and time again with there allegations of underhandedness and desparate pleas to save the place with their ever new “fully funded plan”. Your latest development failed the test in the public opinion polls and it is finally over.

raymond on October 14, 2005 at 7:02 am

lombard district4……… B.T.W.
The next meeting of the District 87 board after May 23,2005 was June 13,2005.The minutes of the June 13,2005 board meeting do not reveal ONE word of an innergovernmental agreemet between Lombard and District 87.
The June 28,2005 District 87 board meeting minutes also do not REVEAL one word about an innergovernmental agreement betwen District 87 and Lombard.
I thought you should know this F.Y.I.

raymond on October 14, 2005 at 6:35 am

Deb dope says “"Give polygraphs to all…nothing to hide.No inside deals or under the table payoffs."
What wii deb dupe say next?"Get DNA from everybody."
More ramblings. "I among with literally hundreds if not thousands of others,are thankfull that our trustees have not caved in to the small minded preservationists”. Spare us all from your GROSS EXAGGERATIONS.
From year 2000 to present there have been no more than twenty five people who have spoken against the theatre at village board meetings where the theatre restoration financing,business plan and foundation funds were SCRUTINIZED,INSPECTED,DISECTED,and OPINIONATED ON.
There has NEVER been a development in the village of Lombard that has had to pass the “TEST” that the theatre has to pass… NOT ONE.