DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

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DuPagefiends on October 14, 2005 at 8:28 am

First of all it seems that we have exposed Dude for the fraud that he is.

Second, has anybody noticed that Duper could just cat & paste all his mindless ramblings. We get your point…that you make no sense.

You are sounding like petey k.

raymond on October 14, 2005 at 7:41 am

Yorktown center…….YorkTOWN. Not DOWNTOWN!
Headline “Lombard Spectator.June 2003. "Something needs to be done"
"Shop owners look to revive DOWNTOWN."
"There is a sense of urgency concerning downtown redevelopment among local business owners.There isn’t a downtown feel here at all,especially during the evenings."
” Senior planner Wiliam Heniff said the elements of a successfull downtown revitalization include “destination centers that generate regular traffic into the area."
Well, what do you know about that!
Now Lombard wants to bribe business redevelopment into Downtown Lombard with Grants.Grants to bribe Business redevelopment.The GRANTS to bribe Businesses into Lombard funded with T.I.F.money.
STRANGE.The Anti-preservationist theatre opponents M.O. against the restoration of the theatre was that T.I.F. is a tax.
It makes you wonder what is going on behind the scenes!

DuPageIsDone on October 14, 2005 at 7:03 am

Gee GHamilton..why not become the knight in shining armor and save us from our sad, small-minded, culture free lives? How pathetic your posting and most others in favor of saving this dump have become since you all fail to come forth with the millions needed to save it. Talk and posting on this site come cheap….put your money behind your near lunatic rantings and save the day. The only thing that stinks is the musty interior of a long dormant theatre. A theatre that failed to make it for whatever reasons…mismanagement, poor conditions including falling plaster, filthy restrooms, a real fire trap in its day. We have not missed this dump for the nearly ten years that it has been vacant and we certainly only have memories of the shoddy interior, sticky floors, and uncomfortable seats and over-priced concessions. Where was the outrage from the so called friends and the historical commission when the place was going down the tubes? Where was their outrage when it was tri-plexed? Where was their outrage when the place was constantly shut down for building code violations? No underhanded deals here in the Lilac village…just a civic-minded board that knows that enough is enough. Give polygraphs to all…nothing to hide. No inside deals or under the table payoffs. Just reality finally settling in and progress taking its toll on a once shining showplace that has quite simply outlived its usefulness here in our “small-minded” town. I, among with literally hundreds if not thousands of others, are thankful that our trustees have not caved in to the “small-minded preservationists” that have dragged this ordeal on for far too long.

ghamilton on October 14, 2005 at 6:43 am

It is obvious that this town is chuck full of small-minded folk who can’t see what happens when destruction takes away so much potential,or when INTENSE personal animosity rules heart and reason.When the theater is dust and one side has the smug look on their tight faces,what has been lost won’t be appreciated for 4 or 5 years.Let me say that whoever thinks a library will be a good sub for a thing of beauty,draw mobs to shops and eateries,is smoking something highly suspect-as suspect as the lofty motives cited herein.This thing stinks-REPEAT-this thing stinks.I’m not sure any of you civic minded people could pass a polygraph.Such a fine,cultured,upscale,cultured place as this could certainly support the theater and the programs that would follow.But I don’t think any of you deserve it.

DuPagefiends on October 14, 2005 at 5:26 am


What a great email chain…DuPageDude (aka Dan Murphy) is really Jim DimWitt. His mission is a vendetta, and not the theatre. A point proven time and time again…yet the “arm-chair preservationists” of this site listen to what this fool has to say.

RobertR must be hard of reading. You obviously don’t have a clue as to what goes on in our town. Our town is not dead…in fact it is getting better…check out this link to our shopping mall which is being renovated. By the way there was a house for sale listed at $1.2 million earlier this year in our town.


DuPageIsDone on October 14, 2005 at 5:11 am

This town is dying? NOT. One of the jewels of the western suburbs of Chicago and it does NOT take a theatre to make it a great place. Neighboring suburbs including Naperville and Wheaton have, oh my God, libraries in their downtowns! The theatre has not been operational for nearly ten long years….and our town is not dead yet. In fact it is home to all kinds of new development. Builders can’t build the new high end ($600,000+) homes fast enough…..bulldozers tearing down many old decrepit houses and replacing them with stunning new homes. And this is all happening blocks from our downtown core. Come visit before posting such crap…RobertR. As the editorial in the real local paper said this past week just because something is old does it make it worth saving. That is the case here…so if it is such a gem and such a sure money maker, why oh why hasn’t some builder or developer or theatre operator come to save the day? Because the reality is what it is…no hope left for this place since the taxpayers smartly REFUSE to support it.

And you are right, Lombard is home to the nationally acclaimed AMC Premium Cinema. Check it out…great place to see that action flick in comfort! But with a cold beer or cabarnet instead of a Slurpee from 7-11.

RobertR on October 14, 2005 at 4:52 am

No wonder this town is dying they spend all their time on the internet with their passive aggressive rambling. Obviously they are afraid of getting their faces punched in and need to hide behind a computer. Like I said before this all reeks of payola and underhanded deals. I would LOVE to hear how more decrepit this town is in another five years. Anyone who thinks a library will be a draw to a downtown area is delusional. In retrospect a performing arts center might now work anyway, the residents of Lombard seem more suited for an action flick at the mall multiplex followed by a slurpee at 7-11. All you people worry about is money, there’s more to life then that. Performing arts touch the soul, never mind you wouldn’t understand.

raymond on October 13, 2005 at 9:29 pm

Dupage dude why should I call you?I don’t know who you are.
You must have me mixed up with someone else.I am not a “Fitzy”

raymond on October 13, 2005 at 7:39 pm

Does anybody know what the “ramblings” in the last four message posts by lombarddistrict4 are about and what they have to do with the price of “EGGS” ?
What dribble.
ghamilon is on to something…….“FOLLOW THE MONEY!"
"Follow the money.” Makes sense.

DuPageDude on October 13, 2005 at 7:35 pm

Duper Supporter,please call me at home right now, you know who I am…

Broan on October 13, 2005 at 7:27 pm

Truly, an effort worthy of Junior High. I’d be ashamed to live in a town like this. Bravo.

raymond on October 13, 2005 at 7:25 pm

Challenger says this about his group. “We are a large majority ”……….Oh really.
Five [Five] people spoke publicly against the R.S.C. PROPOSAL.Five!
A large majority of" FIVE.“ "We are a large majority "OF [Five]
How ridiculous his claims.Please unleash us all from of his dribble and tripe.
Now Challenger says if you don’t think like him and his Anti-Preservationist group of theatre opponents you look like ” Fools"!
“Ramblings” from a person trying to come to grips with his own participation in the demise of an historical building.
For the record!#1 Challenger, #2lombard district4, #3deb dupe, #4 Dope neighbor #5 fiscal insanity [5 count ]I am NOT your so called “rogue” member of the “Friends”….I am not “dude” or “Fitzy ” or Preservationist Jim Devitt.
You people must love “eggs”.Do you buy them by the dozen or by the case?

BobDifino on October 13, 2005 at 6:37 pm

Here is Jim’s most recent bogus e-mail trying to get Challengers info. I honestly do not know Challenger and wouldn’t tell him if I did Jim is a lousy spy:

This message is not flagged. [ Flag Message – Mark as Unread ]

From: “Dan Murphy” <> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: RE: Takin Back Our Corner
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 12:01:46 -0500

Tell Bruce I’m sorry I haven’t been able to stop over and pick up a
shirt or
two, we had a death in the family and have been quite busy with all the
arrangements and such, it was quite sudden…I do have a question, do
know who “Challenger” is, and can you tell me how I could contact him?
want to talk to him about some developments I know about the Theatre
property, as well as where the facade and marquee might end up (I have
friend on that’s a volunteer at the train museum)? I would greatly
appreciate it!


BobDifino on October 13, 2005 at 6:35 pm

Here is the full correspondence between Jim and one of the people from the neighborhood:

I am very disappointed with you and whoever is in your group! Here my
and I, who have wrote repeatedly to the village Board as well as local
papers and state politicans, have been in support of the efforts put
for quite a long time, and would like to celebrate with others who have
the same things, only to be told because no one recognizes our name
not invited? How is that fair, I mean, really? I wish your group
reconsider sso you can see that Linda and I are not who you think we

P.S. No, we already paid our sitter, so it’s a done deal…

>From: Jayme Warnock <>
>To: Dan Murphy <>
>Subject: Re:
>Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:47:30 -0700 (PDT)
>Unfortunately, the Texas BBQ is not the actual site of the party. I
>told to respond to you with that location because someone named Jim
>has been trying to crash the party and other people from my group
>you are him. Nobody recognizes your name as someone that worked to
>the RSC plan. I’m so sorry if they are wrong. The party is invite
>I hope you can cancel your sitter:(…..Thanks for inquiring…GO
>Dan Murphy <> wrote:
>Linda and I will be there!! Just got a sitter for the kids, so we’re
>set. Any hints on who the surprise guests will be? Do we need to check
>with anybody when we get there-who should we ask for?
>See ya there!
> >From: Jayme Warnock
> >To: Dan Murphy
> >Subject: Re: Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:38:38 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >Dan,
> >The celebration is this Saturday at Texas BBQ in their party room.
We are
> >asking for a $15 per person donation to cover the food and beverages
> >per couple. The party starts at 7 pm. We will have a few surprise
> >on hand as well as some neat trivia. Only adults over 21 will be
> >because of the alcohol. You must RSVP by this Friday.
> >Thanks for supporting “Takin' Back Our Corner"
> >Jayme
> >
> >Dan Murphy wrote:
> >Jayme-Are you really having a party for the demise of the DuPage
> >That’s so cool! I’m glad to read that it’s finally over, now the
> >get down to the real business of running this town instead of all
> >sillyness! My wife and I would love to come to the party, I’ll bring
> >my neighbor’s signs I talked them into taking down! Let me know the
> >information and if you’d like us to bring anything.
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >Dan Murphy
> >
> >
> >Donâ€\t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
> >http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/
> >
> >
> >

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BobDifino on October 13, 2005 at 6:32 pm

Here is Jim’s first bogus response to our fake party:
Dan Murphy" <> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 17:47:30 -0500

Jayme-Are you really having a party for the demise of the DuPage
That’s so cool! I’m glad to read that it’s finally over, now the Board
get down to the real business of running this town instead of all the
sillyness! My wife and I would love to come to the party, I’ll bring
my neighbor’s signs I talked them into taking down! Let me know the
information and if you’d like us to bring anything.

Dan Murphy

BobDifino on October 13, 2005 at 6:29 pm

The party was a fake setup to draw the ire of Jim DeWitt…There was no party. The artists renderings were taken from websites with permission and used to get the VOL thinking in that direction. Duper Supporter DeWittt fell for the fake party hook, line and sinker. He even sent a bogus e-mail from a hotmail account trying to get invited. We had a good laugh on him….This whole town has had lots of laughs on Jim.

melders on October 13, 2005 at 4:20 pm

Challenger, I have said repetedly on this site that I feel the “Freinds” are partially to blame. If you don’t want people not familiar with this situation to post “dribble”, get off of a website that is for people from all over the WORLD. If you expect for people that are just from Lombard to post comments, don’t use this message board. I only call you guys “anti-preservationists” because I don’t know of a better term to use. I don’t think you guys know each other, although you all do post on a website of your own. I wish that when this theater does come down that you guys wait and have this “party” after the theater has come down. Let the theater have its last hour in peace, and that goes for the supportors too.

Oh, and if you don’t want to be know as “anti-preservationists” don’t talk about celebrating the destruction of this theater

DuPageDude on October 13, 2005 at 3:55 pm

On the same web site, suddenly today there are artist’s renderings of a parking garage on the theatre site…Who paid for those?

DuPageDude on October 13, 2005 at 3:54 pm

Challenger claims that they are all just anonymous citizens who have never met, yet this was on their anti-theatre website…

“ Re: What types of restaraunts and retail would you like to see ay Main and Parks
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2005, 01:00:56 PM »

I have volunteered to organize the “Taking Back Our Corner” party for those who worked so hard to defeat the theatre plan… I think it is best not to post the party details publicly. I have a long list of guests already, those people will receive an invite to your e-mail account or home address.

It’s going to be a great time! We all deserve it!

DuPagefiends on October 13, 2005 at 11:27 am

For all you “arm-chair preservationist” who seem to be enjoying this page, all you need to know is that at least one of their two “supporters” who post regularly on this page (duper or dude) is a rogue member of their group whose agenda is NOT the preservation of the theatre, but to oust a trustee. The other poster is just a bitter person because things did not go their way.

Their babble about backroom deals, and conspiracy deals is ridiculous banter. People not familiar with this situation (i.e. Melders, Lifes too short, RobertR etc.) look like fools when you buy into their dribble.

They refer to us as “anti-preservationist”. What a stupid statement….most of us (neighbor, fiscal insanity, LD4,) have never even met each other. We are not an organized group. We are individual residents who are sick of their lack of progress. We are a large majority.

We want something done. We want it done now. We also don’t want to be left footing the bill if the money is not there.

So you “arm-chair preservationist” should stop attacking us and start on the group who failed this in the first place…the friends.

Unless you support “preservation at any cost”.

DuPageIsDone on October 13, 2005 at 11:02 am

You are so right….the “friends” object to any efforts that do not include the theatre being a theatre. That is why the building is coming down after the “joke of a lawsuit” is dismissed and the village board awards the demolition contract next week. No one else to blame other than the ones that went about it the wrong way to try and save it.

DuPageDude on October 13, 2005 at 10:16 am

Those that know, know…Those that don’t, object!!!

DMS on October 13, 2005 at 9:55 am

Incidentally – check out this article in todays Tribune about the excellent job the preservation group in Hinsdale has done with their old theatre.

Why couldn’t this have happened in Lombard – stubborness and pride. It was the RSC plan or nothing for this group.

View link

DMS on October 13, 2005 at 9:48 am

Duper never had a mind to begin with – he is the raving loon you mentioned and only cares about the theatre because of his personal vendetta against Trustee Sebby.

This same fool has accused another local theatre of bribing the village board, accuses library officials of “under the table” deals and now is attacking the good people on our school board.

Shame on you – you need therapy.

By the way Dist 4 – you spelled his named wrong, it’s not DeWitt, it’s DimWitt.