Comments from HowardBHaas

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HowardBHaas commented about Flynn Center for the Performing Arts on Jan 7, 2016 at 6:36 pm

ABC TV news tonight showed night lit marquee of what I expect is this theater, as where Trump is going to speak. Never mind the candidate, the marquee lit looked great!

HowardBHaas commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Jan 4, 2016 at 6:39 pm

I have not yet heard that any movie theater is receiving the actual movie -not ads or previews, via satellite! Hard drives are more complex than a DVD or blu ray. Digital they all are, yes.

HowardBHaas commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Jan 4, 2016 at 6:20 pm

I have movie theater operator friends but I am guessing you don’t. I will reply to one aspect- yes, DVDs & SD cards don’t pose the kind of problems that often are present when a movie theater finds it can’t open or project a digital film. We are talking about a 2k or 4k “hard drive” and computerized projector.

HowardBHaas commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Jan 4, 2016 at 5:52 pm

To further explain, how often do you replace your computer? your digital camera? probably every few years in both instances, out of date. Not so 35mm film projectors which last many years. But digital film projectors…….

HowardBHaas commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Jan 4, 2016 at 5:50 pm

yes, I mean 2k hard drives, or as you state, with 2k resolution. It is well known that digital projectors go out of date way quicker than any 35mm film projectors ever did! And then must be expensively replaced. As to digital files….when your digital presentation “goes down” your show is canceled. Film projector problems could often be quickly fixed- not so when the computer or digital projector has a problem. Movie theaters are well aware….

And as I’ve stated, I do understand that new films are not going to be projected other than with digital.

HowardBHaas commented about Curzon Chelsea Cinema on Jan 4, 2016 at 1:35 pm

this article may be the recent plans, for a triplex including a new 400 seat main auditorium-

HowardBHaas commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Jan 4, 2016 at 9:51 am

It is not my imagination that 2k film does NOT have the resolution of 35mm film. That’s fact. Digital cameras are more convenient for people. digital projection is more convenient for movie theaters. Convenience doesn’t mean better. And, digital projectors are far LESS reliable & last far less time than film projectors. Of course, everybody IS switching to digital projection. Maybe eventually some, including laser, will be better than film.

HowardBHaas commented about AMC Lincoln Square 13 on Jan 4, 2016 at 7:21 am

35mm is more like 4k film not 2k in terms of resolution and 6k doesn’t approach 70mm. (That’s why some 70mm classics were scanned at 8k) The 70mm print that I saw of The Hateful Eight at AFI Silver had no dirt, focus or stability issues and greater resolution of detail than anything I’ve seen in 2k or 4k film. Film is also easier on the eyes. I’ve not experienced laser projection & don’t know much about it but I’d take real film over 2k or 4k anytime!

HowardBHaas commented about UA Riverview Plaza Stadium 17 on Jan 1, 2016 at 4:15 pm

I was thinking of “Far and Away” in my reply. I am guessing the digital version of The Hateful Eight is also shown as 2.76 aspect ratio like the 70mm version.

HowardBHaas commented about UA Riverview Plaza Stadium 17 on Jan 1, 2016 at 3:19 pm

70mm scope films are shown at 2.2 aspect ratio not 2.35

HowardBHaas commented about Hackensack Meridian Health Theatre on Dec 31, 2015 at 10:39 pm

Are the Star Trek movies in Feb 35mm?

HowardBHaas commented about AFI Silver Theatre on Dec 31, 2015 at 7:46 am

Here’s a link to my full report, on experiencing “The Hateful Eight” at the AFI Silver, (

HowardBHaas commented about AFI Silver Theatre on Dec 29, 2015 at 10:33 am

JodarMovieFan, yes, I have the movie program. Email sent to everybody stated programs as long as supply lasts, so don’t wait for last screenings. Well, it won’t sell out during business days so they may have enough programs. AS to why 70mm scope doesn’t fill the screen, that’s because 2.2 aspect ratio of the classic 70 mm films rather than 2.35 regular scope. Not as wide- so using full height of the AFI screen, projected not as wide. Less wide I think so 6 track could fit on the film.

HowardBHaas commented about AFI Silver Theatre on Dec 29, 2015 at 12:00 am

The Hateful Eight was selling out the afternoon & evening screenings over the weekend. I’ve never seen a movie 2 days in a row & almost never see a new movie 2ce, but I attended Saturday & Sunday evenings. Unlike chain multiplexes, full use of the curtain (before, intermission and close) & proper masking was used. Sunday was even better because the curtain was closed until the start, with no slide show before using the curtain. Projection & surround were excellent. The movie was 5.1 surround. Souvenir programs were handed out. Three cheers to the AFI workers each day for the special presentations! And, as to the movie, it was awesome, including the details seen due to 70mm, the widescreen vistas, and the score.

HowardBHaas commented about Cinerama Hollywood on Dec 23, 2015 at 2:50 pm

As long as the DC Uptown is being compared to the Cinerama Dome, I will point out the 3rd such historic theater that I’ve had the pleasure to enjoy which is the Seattle Cinerama. That also has huge curved screen.

HowardBHaas commented about AFI Silver Theatre on Dec 16, 2015 at 7:17 am

Here’s the text of the above 12-14-15 article-

The film premieres tonight in New York in 70mm at the Ziegfeld theater. Starting today, moviegoers can purchase tickets for the 70mm roadshow showings at To mark the occasion, Quentin and TWC are commemorating the opening with the “12 Days of Hateful Eight Giveaways,” where each day a different Hateful Eight prize, memorabilia or once-in-a-lifetime experience will be given away to moviegoers who buy roadshow tickets in advance leading up to the Christmas day opening.

The exclusive roadshow engagement that The Hateful Eight is embarking on will replicate the special event releases that films used to receive in the early and mid-twentieth century. They screened a longer version of the film than would have been shown in wide release, including a musical overture to start the show and an intermission between acts, and moviegoers received a special souvenir program. The Hateful Eight roadshow experience will offer moviegoers all three special features. Roadshows were the gold standard for exhibiting pictures like Lawrence of Arabia, Gone With the Wind, Cleopatra, Battle of the Bulge, The Ten Commandments andBen-Hur. TWC and Tarantino’s presentation of The Hateful Eight will mark the widest 70mm release that the industry has seen in over twenty years.

The film will open in 44 markets including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, San Francisco, Boston, Atlanta, Washington DC, Houston, Detroit, Phoenix, Seattle, Tampa, Minneapolis, Denver, Miami, Cleveland, Orlando, Sacramento, St. Louis, Portland, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham, Baltimore, San Diego, Nashville, Kansas City, San Antonio, West Palm Beach, Birmingham, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Oklahoma City, Austin, New Orleans, Providence, Knoxville, Santa Barbara, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. Quentin and cast members from The Hateful Eight will be touring the country making surprise appearances in select cities at 70mm roadshow showings.

Not since the 1966 film Khartoum starring Charlton Heston and Laurence Olivier has a film been shot in Ultra Panavision 70 format. In 2012, TWC distributed Paul Thomas Anderson’s acclaimed film The Master in a similar 70mm format. Beloved by filmmakers and cinephilesfor its wide-scope and high-resolution image quality, Ultra Panavision 70mm stock captures nearly twice the landscape of the more common 35mm and digital styles. Because of its unique quality and its importance to the art of filmmaking, Quentin, TWC, and a number of other major Hollywood directors and studios have negotiated deals with Kodak to continue production of 70mm and other film formats despite their higher costs and complexity of use.

The lead cast for The Hateful Eight includes Samuel L. Jackson (Django Unchained), Kurt Russell (Escape From New York), Jennifer Jason Leigh (Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle), Walton Goggins (“Justified”), Demian Bichir (A Better Life), Tim Roth (Reservoir Dogs), Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs), and Bruce Dern (Nebraska). Written and directed by Tarantino, The Hateful Eight is produced by Richard N. Gladstein, Stacey Sher and Shannon McIntosh. Harvey Weinstein, Bob Weinstein and Georgia Kacandes are executive producing, and Coco Francini and William Paul Clark are associate producing.

HowardBHaas commented about AFI Silver Theatre on Dec 16, 2015 at 7:14 am

I can not tell you whether or not this is accurate but this site states souvenir programs are given out, there are prizes somewhere, and cast members will in some theaters make surprise appearances.

HowardBHaas commented about Paris Theatre on Dec 14, 2015 at 8:32 am

The movie “Carol” began its Oscar showcasing in NYC & LA & has been doing well here. In the 1st weekend, the director & producer appeared on stage to chat. In the 2nd weekend the producer appeared.

HowardBHaas commented about 12-5-15 photo of Foyer where new auditoriums 3 & 4 are on Dec 7, 2015 at 2:36 pm

Meant where auditoriums 3 & 4 are.

HowardBHaas commented about County Theater on Dec 3, 2015 at 7:57 pm

To expand with 3rd auditorium & more lobby space-

HowardBHaas commented about Village East by Angelika on Dec 2, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Star Wars will be at the Ziegeld instead. The Hateful Eight in 70mm list is growing here:

HowardBHaas commented about Bala Theatre on Nov 26, 2015 at 9:09 pm

I didn’t mean from this site. I meant from an official website of the theater itself when still open. That’s what I noted in my own photo gallery on my computer, where I have more of them. FYI, originally, the rules of this website were to post photos we ourselves taken, albeit those rules aren’t being enforced anymore.

HowardBHaas commented about Bala Theatre on Nov 26, 2015 at 8:46 pm

I captured that photo long ago from a website that belonged to the Bala Theatre, not any such individual.

HowardBHaas commented about Sam's Place One and Two on Nov 26, 2015 at 11:26 am

That 1928 photo is from the City of Philadelphia Archives!

HowardBHaas commented about AFI Silver Theatre on Nov 25, 2015 at 6:38 pm

I did see in year 2001 the 2001 movie in 70mm properly presented at Uptown as stated above & 2 years ago at Seattle Cinerama

AFI Silver website has The Hateful Eight in December- which means 70mm Ultra Panavision- same super wide aspect ratio that Khartoum was presented in a few years at AFI Silver