Luis, I haven’t been in Camden for many years. I remember that tower, but I couldn’t tell you if it’s still standing. Camden has had some tough times in the past twenty five years or so.
Because my mother refused to take the expressway from Jersey to Philly, we spent a lot of time getting lost in Camden when we were trying to find the Ben Franklin bridge using surface streets. I remember, vaguely, some theaters in Camden, but I think this one was gone before my time.
An Eddie Murphy film was playing at the Payret last year. If we’re still trying to demoralize the Cubans, showing them “Norbit” might do it:
Here is a closeup of the marquee:
I would say “lost cause”.
Luis, I haven’t been in Camden for many years. I remember that tower, but I couldn’t tell you if it’s still standing. Camden has had some tough times in the past twenty five years or so.
Here is an undated photo:
Because my mother refused to take the expressway from Jersey to Philly, we spent a lot of time getting lost in Camden when we were trying to find the Ben Franklin bridge using surface streets. I remember, vaguely, some theaters in Camden, but I think this one was gone before my time.
Here is an undated photo:
Here is a 1939 photo:
Here is a 1973 photo:
Here is a 1966 photo:
The windows look the same in both photos, as does the entrance. I would guess that some work has been done on the roof to add the cupolas.
Here is a photo of the Victory:
There’s one on their website.
Here is another photo:
Here is another photo:
Here is another photo:
Here is another photo:
An Eddie Murphy film was playing at the Payret last year. If we’re still trying to demoralize the Cubans, showing them “Norbit” might do it:
Here is another photo of the Clinton:
If it was the only one, maybe they didn’t have a choice. Don’t forget that there’s one lady out there who saw “The Sound of Music” 962 times, I think.
Maybe this one:
Here is the correct photo:
That must the same slideshow problem. I will copy them into my album from now on. Here is the photo:
Here is another photo of the Montrose:
Here is another photo. I don’t know about the colors. A little much:
The church may be on the way out, according to their website: