Comments from Life's Too Short

Showing 1,051 - 1,075 of 1,605 comments

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Metro Theatre on Sep 11, 2006 at 11:00 pm

I’ll add my two cents here. Here is the story as I have always understood it:

The first Terminal Theatre was the reverse theatre on the north side of Lawrence (opened maybe teens, early twenties). It was a succesful operation which was later replaced by the larger more elaborate Terminal on the south side of Lawrence Avenue. At that time the name of the first Terminal was changed to Metro. The Metro was the first to go, closing late 50’s maybe. It was converted to retail (the capacity in which it continues to function today). The second Terminal was closed in the 60’s and demolished. The first Terminal (Metro) today looks much as it does in Brian Wolf’s pictures above. The site of the second Terminal today is a pretty drab, brown retail building (like a supermarket or flea market) along with parking. It is the structure just east of the CTA property.

99.99999% sure that is the fact of the matter. But those THSA guys in Elmhurst could tell you for sure. THSA is the mother ship when it comes to theatre info.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Logan Theatre on Sep 10, 2006 at 10:28 pm

Very cool place to see a film when it was one large auditorium. Usual deal: it was painted grey front to back by the time I visited. Was there once after they split it up. Not nearly as cool. But it is nice to see an old-time neighborhood theatre continue to operate.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Metropolitan Theatre on Sep 10, 2006 at 3:03 pm

I photographed the Met around 1989-90 somewhere. It looked much as it appears in the photo above, though my gut (based on seeing hundreds of these buildings) says the interior was pretty trashed. You could easily spot this one from the South Side Elevated.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Metro Theatre on Sep 10, 2006 at 2:55 pm

It has always appeared to me that the store occupies former lobby space. My best guess is that the auditorium is used as a storage area.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Copernicus Center on Sep 9, 2006 at 10:40 pm

Someone told me at a recent party that asbestos abatement has been conducted in the Gateway’s attic, although events continue to be scheduled.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Pickwick Theatre on Sep 9, 2006 at 10:29 pm

My greatest single cinema memory took place at the Pickwick. My father took me there to see, “Weekend at Bernie’s.” It was a pretty lame movie as far as artistic merit goes. But it was full of cheap humor. The Pickwick was packed front to back that evening. It was amazing to sit there in such cool surroundings and laugh at the same time with 1500 other people. Going to the movies is still fun. But I think we’ve lost some of what I experienced that night.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Hi-Way Theatre on Sep 9, 2006 at 10:21 pm

I photographed the Hiway around 1989. From the looks of it, I’d say the theatre was built in the teens or early 20’s. At the time it was boarded up. It looked like a decent house, though certainly unremarkable. It also looked to be in decent repair. But then what are you going to do with aging cinema of no particular architectural merit, that is no longer profitable, in an outlying neighborhood of Chicago? Still it is a shame when something that was once a thriving community destination is abandoned.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Chicago Theatre on Sep 9, 2006 at 10:14 pm

I remember watching Tom Gnaster play the Chicago Theatre organ at the grand reopening, which I think was in 1985. It was a great instrument and Tom was a great organist. I wish Tom were still with us today.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Boyd Theatre renovation on Sep 9, 2006 at 9:06 pm

I guess it simply seems like a side-street by Chicago standards.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Saenger Theatre on Sep 9, 2006 at 8:20 pm

I am glad to see restoration work underway. This is certainly one of America’s great theatres. In light of recent events, I might say something about the interchange above (taking place directly after the hurricane). I found it inappropriate to be talking about organs and theatres while large groups of people were still trapped between strips of submerged Interstate highway in New Orleans. I still do to be honest. But I probably could have expressed myself in a less explosive manner. Here’s hoping the Saenger, and the rest of New Orleans, experience a swift return to vitality.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Kimbark Theatre on Sep 9, 2006 at 8:09 pm

Photographed the building around 1990. It looked to be in respectable shape at the time: no holes in the roof, facade and exterior brick sidewalls in good repair. The church’s sign was still out front at the time although it is hard to say if they were still holding services. Nothing flashy about this theatre. It was a simple but attractive design, which I think you would call classical (though I am not really up on my theatre design categories).

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Brooklyn Paramount on Sep 9, 2006 at 8:03 pm

Pretty cool. Glad to know that someone is looking after the organ while the future of the building is debated.

I can’t play but would consider it a thrill to hit one key and hear a note echo through the auditorium. I wonder if the alterations to the auditorium over the years (like the classrooms in the balcony) have diminished the sound of the organ at all. Seems like they should fundamentally alter the acoustics.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Golf Mill Theatres 1-2-3 on Sep 8, 2006 at 10:11 pm

By the way, I hear good things about the gym they built inside the theatre’s shell. So at least it is serving a productive purpose.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Golf Mill Theatres 1-2-3 on Sep 8, 2006 at 10:07 pm

It was a bit of a dive at the end. Usual deferred maintenance scenario. The last film I saw here was Evita. What a bummer. I thought I was going to see a dramatic documentary and it ended being a musical.

Anyway: I was seated toward the back of the auditorium and up high. Did this place have stadium seating, or am I remembering a balcony?

I wish Kerasotes the best, and I would like to see Golf Mill come up again. But I am not sure investing in this area is the greatest idea. By all accounts the recently closed Golf Glen was empty most of the time.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Boyd Theatre renovation on Sep 8, 2006 at 9:46 pm

Good news! This is a fine house. The location seems a little odd though…on a seemingly small side-street.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Paramount Theatre on Sep 8, 2006 at 9:44 pm

I guess I don’t see why the Paramount is such a big deal. It was a nice house when it was built. But it is no Detroit Fox. Fighting to save it would make sense if the interior was intact. But given that the interior is largely on the floor I think that constructive reuse is a good option. The outside still looks nice. Save that and build a new structure within.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Riviera Theatre on Sep 8, 2006 at 9:34 pm

I pass the place quite a bit from the south (where you have a better view of the facade), when the morning sun is hitting the building. One morning it was clean, the next morning…there it was in all it’s glory.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Chalet Theaters needs one more! on Sep 8, 2006 at 1:39 am

I don’t personally see how any comments left under my screen name as part of the discussion above paint a negative image of Chalet Theatres. But, a representative of Chalet Theatres tells me that he feels the comments above do paint a negative image.

As of this date I assume Chalet Theatres to be a law-abiding and ethical organization, and the comments above are not meant to lead the Cinema Treasures community to think badly of Chalet Theatres in any way.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Reminder: Keep comments on topic! on Sep 8, 2006 at 1:24 am

The comments at the top of this thread were directed at another conspicuous party (who shall remain nameless), not you sctheatres (specifically I am talking about the comment of Sep 1, 2006 at 4:12pm). As of this date I assume Chalet Theaters is an ethical and law-abiding organization although I don’t understand why you do some of the things you do sctheaters, like the E-Bay auction. It has been pointed out to me that perhaps I simply don’t understand the way you do business. My intention was not to paint your organization in a negative light in front of the Cinema Treasures community and the comments posted after you entered the conversation were born of anger due to what I perceived to be disrespect on your part directed at me (specifically I am speaking of the comment left Sep 6, 2006 at 6:19pm). I apologize to the entire community for any role I may have played in turning this intelligent discourse into the very thing Patrick and Ross were trying to avoid with their posting. It was pointed out to me today that posting on a site like this carries with it a great deal of responsibility because these comments can be seen all around the world. If you get into a bad mood and shoot your mouth off or say something without completely thinking you aren’t just talking to the other party in the conversation, or a few people in a chat room, you are potentially talking to everyone on Earth with an Internet connection. While a seemingly obvious statement it is something that never completely dawned on me prior to this afternoon, and any statements I make in the future on Cinema Treasures will be mindful of this fact.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Reminder: Keep comments on topic! on Sep 7, 2006 at 3:46 pm

Well my friend sc theatres, I think this conversation has already gone on too long. But I’ll say one more thing. The basis of your position seems to be:

1) That I asked where your theatres are located in a news item you posted. Last time I checked it is not a crime to ask someone where their business locations are.
2) That you think I mentioned you above and took offense, although your name does not appear. It is tough to claim that you are the subject when I have had 101 conversations regarding the Wheaton Theatre alone which fit that statement. Judging by the comments above nobody except you seemed to think you were being described. There was no mention made of you, in fact, until you entered the conversation and steered things in this direction.

So take whatever action you see fit. Attorney, no attorney, Florida, California, New York or Puerto Rico.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Reminder: Keep comments on topic! on Sep 7, 2006 at 1:12 pm

The joke is on you sc theatres. Which would you like first: my car note or my college debts? My apartment security deposit is $600. That’s pretty good.

Talk about spinning the wheel of fortune.

Bonus prize: my parents' corporate attorney who will attend to this for free.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Reminder: Keep comments on topic! on Sep 7, 2006 at 12:05 am


Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about Reminder: Keep comments on topic! on Sep 6, 2006 at 11:19 pm

Let me make sure I understand what has transpired. You have entered a conversation on keeping comments within respectable bounds and threatened a law suit because you think I mentioned you above, although your name was never used? I must say that I consider that to be pretty weak.

As long as we are on the topic of civil conversation, you seem awfully pre-disposed to threatening legal action. I’ve seen you do it at least five times to a variety of people. You even threatened legal action in this E-Bay listing before anyone so much as spoke to you:

View link

In my opinion you should spend less time thinking about how to sue people and more time running your company.

By the way, from reading postings elsewhere on Cinema Treasures, I always got the impression that you were leasing the Lawford.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about McClurg Court Cinemas on Sep 6, 2006 at 10:39 pm

Which one was Episode II? Was that the one with villain who had the bright red face? I worked with a guy at the time who attended the opening of the red-faced villain Star Wars movie. He got his picture in the paper because he was wearing a costume of the red-faced villain (complete with colored contacts) that was near perfect.

Life's Too Short
Life's Too Short commented about McClurg Court Cinemas on Sep 6, 2006 at 10:35 pm

The FOR LEASE sign is down.