Comments from jukingeo

Showing 126 - 150 of 244 comments

jukingeo commented about How to increase revenue question.... on Nov 7, 2006 at 4:27 pm

Hello, I agree with LONGISLANDMOVIES.

A 12 by 12 area is really a small space to rent out and use as a shop…however, for an expanded concession area with also access to the front for street traffic, well that is an idea that is hard to pass up on. You could not only have retro candy, but specialty items as well..sort of like a cafe. This would increase interest on both street traffic and also for the movie-goers. What more is that you can keep the cafe/concession open during times that you are not showing a movie.

In addtion, if you have a stage and a backstage area…then you are set for live shows. Live shows will always bring in more revenue than any single screen movie theatre can. You are in a good size bracket with 400 seats (of course this does really depend on the town population too) because you do have to take into consideration that even though you may not always fill the theatre, you still have to heat and cool the whole building. This was a situation I ran into in a place I wanted to buy in Ohio. It was also an Art Deco masterpiece with a beautiful neon and bulb marquee. But it was just too darn big. At close to 1000 seats in a town of about 10,000…well, filling the seats did become a major concern. With it’s massive heating and cooling system, programming that would ensure a full house would be paramount. Even then it was a shaky situation. Well, someone else managed to sneak under me and get the place before my research was complete. But with a building of 400 seats…you should be good, even in a small town. But if you want to pack it…go live shows along with movies. Try to have a live act in there at least one to two weekends a month. That should do it.


jukingeo commented about How to buy old theater on Nov 7, 2006 at 4:10 pm

Hello GARY

Where in NE is your theatre? I was actually recently up in Vermont looking for a place to buy. But there was not much to be had there (within my price range). I wouldn’t mind working with someone until that time comes for me to get my own place, but here is the catch. Can your theatre do live shows? I have more experience in live work than with movies. Single screen theatres just don’t cut it now adays (first runs)and having the ability to put on live acts is a major asset. Having just a stage is fine, but having a full blown backstage and fly space is more ideal.


jukingeo commented about Mishler Theatre on Oct 23, 2006 at 12:07 pm

Hello ALL,

Could someone fix these links? There is not a single one working, including the main website. I am going to be in Altoona this coming weekend and would like to learn more about this theatre. I probably will check it out when I am down there.


jukingeo commented about Westbury Drive-In on Oct 10, 2006 at 12:45 am


Oh, man…My Fair Lady. Now THAT is a movie I would love to see at a Drive-In.


jukingeo commented about Midvalley Cinemas on Oct 2, 2006 at 6:58 pm

Hello TWISTR54

True on the ticket price. But to me that is forgivable to an extent. The problem is coupling the high ticket price with the poor movie going experience and that is what drives me up the wall. I know for one when I get a theatre project going underway it will be mostly for live shows. If the building has movie capabilities, then fine, I may show movies during slow periods. But it does have one thinking “what is the point” especially when DVD’s are released so soon. Imax is a good way to get people back into the theatres because it is a different experience. There was a special on one of the Discovery Channels in which they show you different ways the movie experience is enhanced. Imax was one. Then they have another off shoot on Imax in which the auditorium is ‘suspended’ and the floor is glass. Another projector and screen is BELOW the audience. Most shows in this theatre are ‘flight’ related and it makes the audience feel like they are flying. Then there are the 4D movies that you experience at amusement parks in which the seats you sit in is part of a simulator platform that shakes, rocks and tilts to the movie.

However, even with all this, I found something VERY interesting. In Texas and the North East, Drive-In theatres have stopped closing and some have even reopened! Texas has built two new ones over the last couple years! Yes, it appears the drive-in is making a comeback. For one the experience is WAY different and second there are not that many indoor screens that can get the size of a Drive-In screen.

I guess overall it is the ‘different’ and positive experiences that will bring people back in the theatre. But if multiplex chains continue as they have been doing…the ‘standard’ theatre industry is doomed.

In terms of Imax…I always wanted to see “The Perfect Storm” in Imax. That is one movie I like to see on a HUGE screen.

Do I think theatre’s will eventually be pase altogether…hmmmm, no, not really. But the experience has to tremendously change, otherwise people will just stay home in their compfy easy chairs and watch movies on their projection screens and surround sound systems.


jukingeo commented about Chicago Uptown news? on Oct 1, 2006 at 6:01 pm

I am really concerned about this movie palace…perhaps more so than any other. I saw pictures of the inside of this theatre and it is mind blowing. I do understand that it is hard to restore a large theatre now-adays, but I do have hope for this one. It is in a city environment and it’s beauty rivals that of New York’s Radio City (of which has always been a personal favorite).

A similar theatre here in NY, the Bronx Loews Paradise was recently restored last year. It is unbelieveable, how they built these old theatres.

The bottom line is that theatres like this could never be built again and it is important to support and hold on to those that are still standing and can be saved.

The Chicago Uptown is definately a keeper in my book.


jukingeo commented about Midvalley Cinemas on Oct 1, 2006 at 5:50 pm


I am from LI too and as both yourself and CHUCK1231 pointed out this is definately a big problem with overscreening areas.

The first to fall victim to this problem was United Artists. This is a theatre organization of whom I pretty much almost singlehandedly blame for the degradation in the ‘cinema experience’. Most of their theatres were small and usually not well kept. Theatre Chain bad boy, National Amusements made quick work of UA and most of the UA theatres on long island have been put out of business by now. There was a UA theatre right near where I live in Coram. Much to my dismay I found out that the Coram UA was the site of a Drive-In.

Now it doesn’t stop there. Loews shut down most of their theatres that had less than 4 screens several years ago…they also closed down most of their ‘mall theatres’. This is to concentrate more on building more larger megaplexes.

Next National Amusement made a big blunder…they put one of THEIR OWN theatres out of business. Yes, that is right. The Cinema DeLux 16 which they built a few years ago was only two exits (on the LIE) away from their already existing Medford Multiplex. Naturally most of the Medford patrons went to the newer theatre and stopped going to the Medford theatre. It was closed and demolished.

Since I been looking to get into theatre myself (mostly live work) I have been paying very close attention to the movie industry and notice that the entire industry is heading for a rude awakening. There are a number of factors for this.

1) Home Theatre: Systems for the home are meeting and sometimes even beating those systems you see and hear in the theatres.

2) Early DVD releases: My wife and I saw the last Harry Potter Film just about on it’s last week in the theatres. Much to my surprise, just a mere two months later, I saw the DVD on the shelves at the local Borders book store.

3) Finally is the deterioration of the movie experience. To save space I will not go into detail here, but there is a post here that mentions the ousting of text messaging teenagers from an AMC theatre, and the posts there really explain what has happened over the years to the movie going theatre experience.

In short, if the theater going experience isn’t enhanced or made ‘better’ for all those going to a theatre to see a movie, then I can very well see more and more theater closings on the horizon. It is getting to the point where not even theatres with a dozen screens are not hanging on anymore. Most Multiplexes here on LI have about a dozen screens or more. Many are very dull anticeptic environments as well. There are very few theatres I enjoy going to. For one, I do not like the Cinema Delux 16. The bathrooms are small, the ‘Sbarro’ pizza is like cardboard and the nachos are over salty. I only go to two multiplexes on Long Island. One is the Farmingdale Multiplex which I still believe is National Amusement’s best theatre. Next is the AMC/Loews Stonybrook. This was one of my wife’s theatres when she worked for Loews before the AMC merger. This is a somewhat nicer theatre that harks back to the Art Deco era and it is appealing when you are comparing multiplexes of course. The bathrooms are huge and the building is somewhat kept neat. Food is OK.

Still, my best movie experiences is when I go out of town and find an old independent theatre that is still running a huge single screen. Hard to find nowadays, but these people really know what a movie theatre experience is all about. The big boys could really stand to take lessons from these independent guys.

All I can say is that I, an avid movie goer, am ashamed at what the movie theater experience has become over the years. I see myself going to the theatre less and less and waiting for the movie to get on DVD or On Demand. If the theatre problems keep up as they have been I too will probably join the ranks of those with a big home theatre system.

But I do love broadway shows (musicals), so there will at least be always something that I would go out to the theatre for.


jukingeo commented about Hollywood Theater in Pittsburgh, PA to reopen on Sep 29, 2006 at 12:22 pm

Hello All,

I looked into both the Hollywood and the Cinema 4 for possible purchase, but there is a problem that plagues both of these locations and that is parking. Both are good sized buildings but they have no nearby parking. The Cinema 4 is big and could easily be converted to a movie/live house, but it is in bad shape inside as another poster pointed out. The Hollywood is in better shape, but there are other issues besides parking. For one, the church across the street likes to cause trouble and has prevented quite a few operations from panning out. Perhaps the new owner has a plan to overcome these issues, which would be a good think since another old theatre would be saved, and I am ALWAYS happy to hear that. So I am definately going to watch this one closely and see how it pans out.


jukingeo commented about UA The Movies at Coram on Sep 8, 2006 at 12:58 pm

Hello ALL,

I do not live to far from this theatre having moved to the area in 2001. Shortly after this multiplex closed down. Given the recent resurgence in the interest in drive-in theatre’s I always thought that converting this location to a drive in is ideal given the shape of the lot and it being set back from the main road. It wouldn’t be obtrusive to anyone around and the screen would face away from the corner where the Rt.112 entrance is now. Opposite there wouldn’t be stray on-lookers because there is nothing behind the lot but a small lake. Looking at an old map of the area today there was a marker pointing out the ‘former Coram Drive-In’ I just did a HUGE “OMG”, when I realized the property WAS the site of a drive in. Now I have an idea up my sleeve that could convert this property to a hybrid (both Drive-In and Indoor) very much like what the Bayshore Cinema was like. So, who would be in favor of seeing a drive-in return to Long Island?


jukingeo commented about Westbury Drive-In on Sep 7, 2006 at 6:07 pm

In continuation from my post above, here is a picture of the Bald Hill Amphitheatre.

View link


jukingeo commented about Westbury Drive-In on Sep 7, 2006 at 6:03 pm

Hello ALL!

I remember this Drive In and it along with the Smithtown Drive In were the two last ones. The Smithtown went first and then the Westbury. Now with not many Drive-In’s left, many are experiencing the ‘You don’t know what you had until it’s gone’ syndrome and in some states, including upstate NY, Drive-In’s are making a comeback…not in leaps and bounds mind you. But, now it is easier to save an old drive in from closing, particularly if it has multiple screens. Many Long Islanders I know do miss having the Drive-In’s around. In fact when I moved to the Eastern Side of Long Island, I realized that they have an outdoor amphitheater at the base of what is known as ‘Bald Hill’. This amphitheatre mostly hosts concert events throughout the summer, but when they have a slow summer, they show movies. They have a theatre section in the front by the stage where you can get a seat. But the real fun is if you get a spot on the hill itself. They have a special seating area called “The Great Lawn” and you can bring your lawn chairs, picnic blankets and something to eat and sit under the stars…much like at a Drive-In. Does it capture every essence of a Drive-In…No it doesn’t, but for all of us Long Islander’s looking to capture some of that ‘watching a movie under the stars’ feel, it still is a great experience. The place is huge too. The downside is they never get first runs. But it is really for the experience, it is cheap too, I believe they charge by car load.

Here is the site:

Click on ‘Movies’

Hope that helps out the Long Island Drive In buffs out there


jukingeo commented about Granada Theatre For Sale on Sep 6, 2006 at 12:35 pm

Hello All,

I obtained quite a few updated pictures of this theatre as it was one of the first I seriously considered for purchase. What it used to be was something very grand indeed. It is an Atmospheric that very much mirrors the work of John Eberson, but was created by someone initially not known to me…but yet an artisan in his own right. There is much evidence of this theatre’s past grandeur still in place, but what it is today would require a huge miracle and a few million dollars to get it back up to speed. Two huge problems that would have to be addressed is the fact that the offices/tenant space extends far into the auditorium. In fact it looks to extend right to the proscenium which is miraculously still intact. So a conversion back to original would require re-raking of the auditorium, which was leveled via concrete. So we would be talking major jack hammer action and demolition work to start. Next is the roof. The entire concrete roof would have to be removed and replaced. Concrete roofs are notorious for failure. Once these two major items are done, then the building can be restored. Is it possible, yes. Would it be worth it? Perhaps not now, but in the future. Beaver Falls is a beautiful town that fell victim of being in an area known as ‘The Rust Belt’ called as such because of the dilapidated steel factories that closed in the 80’s and as such lead to many a town’s demise along this area which extends from west NY to East Ohio and straight down past Pittsburgh. While many of these towns do have a downtown developement plan in progress…it is a slow process. In the case of Beaver Falls, this theatre could represent a major boost in the revitalization of it’s downtown area and they definately need a place like this. Is it ready now? Maybe. I have not looked into the potential revenues it could bring in. However one thing that is certain, it requires someone that has much more financial backing to bring up to the plate than I can muster up. But the building does need help and fast as if the leak is allowed to continue it could put this building beyond restoration capability. That would be very sad as this one could be a beauty.


jukingeo commented about Tower Theatre on Sep 6, 2006 at 10:28 am


Is your theatre still for sale? What is your asking price? Do you have pictures of the living quarters and backstage areas? Are there dressing rooms?

It looks like a very versitile space.


jukingeo commented about Paradise Theater on Aug 31, 2006 at 7:52 pm


I must say, I would love to have seen the original marquee from the Paradise. I never cared for that new one, but I must say, it didn’t look that bad lit up a night. But the original… Well, so many of those wonderful marquees have disappeared. The Chicago Marbro and the Granada were just about the best Marquees I have seen. It was a nice trip though to see those old movies with the marquees lit up and flashing. That Stanley theatre marquee looks very impressive. Not a bad job for a repro. I will take a look at 561-55 when I get home. Hopefully my home computer has a better time at running those clips. They just keep crashing my office machine.


Which carousel were you referring to? There were quite a few I posted. One of my all time favorites is the Kennywood carousel, a 1927 Dentzel. If there was a vision of a classic American made carousel that would pop in ones head when the word ‘carousel’ is spoken, that carousel would be it. It think it was one of the first ones I posted. The last one…fat and juicy? Well that one no longer exists. Much like the problem with old theatres, old carousels were destroyed to sell of their animals as private collective artworks. However, with active preservation movements and also a host of ‘new blood’ wood horse carvers, the destruction of a classic carousel is kept to a minimum. I wish the same will eventually happen for theatres. Anyway that carousel is the Venice Beach Pier carousel. Also a Denzel (circa 1920). Hershey Park in PA also has a very impressive carousel. That one is another favorite of mine, PTC #47. It was made by the same company that built Disneyworld’s Impressive 5 row carousel.


jukingeo commented about Paradise Theater on Aug 31, 2006 at 4:56 pm


GREAT LINK! Wow! I couldn’t believe all the old theatre movies on that site. Too bad the site is not very stable. It crashes my computer every 4th or 5th films. But I did get to see the Paradise Marquee. Also, everyone, you must check out clip #239-15. This is one of the few that is longer than just a few seconds. It is someone taking a flim of a busy city theatre district. All those flashing bulbs and neon. FANTASTIC! I could only imagine what it would have been like to view that in person. Incredible! It just makes one realize how much we have lost over the years. Today’s theatres are just horrible in comparison. I am glad that I am still finding some really nice gems leftover from the past and some have been really nicely restored such as this one:



jukingeo commented about Theatre for sale/lease in northwest NJ on Aug 31, 2006 at 12:31 pm

Hello DPEEL,

Do you have more information on the theatre and it’s owner? I am curious as to why he is pulling out only one year after putting a major investment into the theatre. I might be interested in this place.


jukingeo commented about Roy's Hall on Aug 31, 2006 at 12:17 pm

Hello All,

While in my search to find a theatre to purchase, I came across this post and did a little initial research on this theatre and the town. What I find amazing is that Mr. Hain has purchased this theatre, renovated it and started off strong with good programming. There are many articles floating around in regards to his achievements with the theatre. It appeared he was in for the long haul…however, just a year after his grand project, he is selling??? I find this a bit weird. Usually when someone as dedicated as Mr. Hain seems to be all of a sudden wants to pull out, it could mean only a few things, the top two being: 1) Health problems 2) He over estimated the theatre market around his town. Naturally I am just speculating here, but I am wondering if anyone could shed some light on this and perhaps would know the truth why this gentleman is suddenly pulling the plug on what seemed to be promising future for this theatre.

Thank You,

jukingeo commented about Latchis Theatre on Aug 30, 2006 at 10:03 pm


The theatre you are referring to is the Hooker-Dunham Theatre. It is in what I would consider a very bad spot. It is all the way done the block and under the Hooker-Dunham building. An out of towner would have a difficult time finding this theatre if they didn’t ask. I did want to check this theatre out, but it was not open upon my arrival. It supposed to have about 100 seats and a very small stage. The nice thing is that is has a lobby just as big as the theatre itself and art work is usually presented on this side. There is some sort of deck area right outside the door of the theatre and it does offer really nice views of the river and mountain running right to the east of the town.

Another impressive theatre to check out is the Memorial Hall in Wilmington. It has huge church like windows and the interior is all white. It is very bright inside. VERY elegant. BIG stage. There is a balcony as well, but as the name suggests, it is a HALL and therefore doesn’t have raked or permanent seating. There are risers though for regular chairs and they handle the building’s needs nicely.

I can go on and on about Vermont theatres as there are many in the state. But if you are ever in Brattleboro the Latchis is a MUST see. Word of advice though…Brattleboro is NOT a very car friendly town. Parking and traffic does get nutty, especially just south of Flat street where the New Hampshire bridge is. Park your car outside of town and walk in or take the MOOver bus into town. You will thank yourself later and enjoy the town much much more. BTW, there is no free parking in Brattleboro, everything is metered or has three hour limits.

Oh! Speaking of the New Hampshire bridge. Just at the foot of the bridge there is a restaurant called the Riverview Cafe. Go there and eat. If it is a nice day, request the roof. The view is to die for. Food is good too!


jukingeo commented about Latchis Theatre on Aug 30, 2006 at 9:46 pm

Oh, I took loads of pictures of the Latchis. If anyone wants to see them, just give me your Email address and I will send you a picture package :).


jukingeo commented about Latchis Theatre on Aug 30, 2006 at 9:43 pm

Hello ALL

A couple weeks ago I planned a trip to Vermont and I had the very rare opportunity to have a guided tour of the Latchis Theatre. It is a very impressive theatre and unique in many ways. First it is a dual style theatre being Art Deco on the outside and Greek on the inside. There are many depictions of Greek history and mythology all over. The theatre has asymetric walls and murals. The theatre IS an atmospheric and the ceiling is a play on the ‘normal’ night sky used in atmospherics. This theatre has Greek inspired constellations (referred to earlier). Upon talking with the theatre tech, he said DID light up at one time. They no longer do now. The Latchis family owned the Hotel/theater until 2003. They cared very much for their theatre and it is in remarkable shape for it’s age. It is in need of restoration and there are visible areas in need of attention, but again it is in excellent shape. The Latchis family loved this theatre and it shows. While they must have felt the pinch as any other single screen theatre has, they didn’t fully give into the idea of just ramming a wall down the middle of the theatre and/or dividing off the balcony as most other theatres would have done. Instead the theatre was carefully divided UNDERNEATH the balcony thus leaving the entire auditorium still original and for the most part intact. The theatre still maintains its grandeur. The division looks very much intentional and as it was always a part of the theatre. It is VERY tastefully done. While I am not one to be in favor of dividing a theatre, this is without a doubt the best way to do it. So where is the third theatre? Well, the Latchis was fortunate enough to have an unused ballroom opposite the upper level entrance to the balcony. This was converted to the third theatre. The level of artwork in this theatre is a must see. There are plans to convert a rented space to a fourth theatre and the main theatre will be expanded and renovated for the main purpose of showcasing live acts. The seats that were not redone have a really nice pattern to them and I do hope that the owners of the theatre manage to find that same pattern. The balcony is huge and has stadium seating. The orchestra section has regular raked seating. At one time it looked to be that there was an orchestra pit, but now the stage has been increased in size and built out. I could easily tell where the original stage ended and where the new section was built. The original stage had a very nice rounded shape to it. The projection booth does still have most of it’s original equipment, but it is pulled out of service and the projectors are a converted platter system. The main projection booth is pretty big. Roland L above shows the pictures of the lobby and front entrance. Most of which is intact. The theatre still has it’s outside box office too. There are also plans to build a ‘nicer’ marquee as well. The tour of the theatre was fantastic and there will be great things to come for this theatre’s future. So it looks like there will be a very happy future in the life of this theatre and it will be very much saved.


jukingeo commented about Marquis Theatre on Aug 30, 2006 at 9:09 pm

Hello ALL,

Does anyone know if this theatre could also handle live performances? Apparently it has been divided “The elegant way” (If there could be a ‘good’ way to describe dividing a theatre). The division is under the balcony instead of IN the balcony. I seen this done in another Vermont theatre…the Latchis. In that case it was superbly done. The resulting theatre under the balcony is very small, but in a pinch, this is the best way I have seen a theatre divided. Most opt to convert the balcony and as such it destroys the grandeur of the theatre. The Latchis is a must see as the conversion is very tastefully done and unobtrusive.


jukingeo commented about Stanley Center for the Arts on Aug 29, 2006 at 11:55 am

Hello ALL

cue: (sound of jaw hitting floor).

I must say, I never cease to be amazed at what I find here at Cinema Treasures. I would have NEVER thought twice about thinking an upstate NY village would have a beautiful theatre like this.

(Interior pictures, click on this and then find the caption on the Stanley Theatre)

I came across Utica by accident because there was a beautiful property I am thinking about looking into for a business opportunity. Naturally I wanted to check out the theatre situation in the neighborhood since that would be my line of work. Not only did I find a theatre just up the block, but it turned out to be this this jewel.

I must say that now I want to visit Utica as soon as possible. This theatre reminds me so much of the Chicago Granada Theater (both are the same style) of which I never got to see.

What also struck a chord with me was that the initial introduction mentions that the staircases in the Stanley are much like those on the Titanic. I am very much an avid fan of the ship and it’s history. Also the Chicago Granada also had similar sweeping starcases. So right off the bat this building strikes a chord with me.

The arched marquee is incredibly restored as well. Very impressive.

MR. J. FAUST —I must say I am a bit envious of your position as you have what I would refer to a ‘dream’ career working in a building like this. I am sure you are very proud of the building and I am happy to see that the building is undergoing an expansion which indicates that the town does support what you are doing and wants to to see this piece of art history to remain for future generations to enjoy. (Which leads me to ask, is Utica a very arts oriented town?) I will say that been looking around several states near New York for the possibility of purchasing a theatre and starting my own theater project. However, if my alternate project in Utica does go down, I would be honored to do additional work for or with the Stanley Theatre especially since I would be just up the block from you. I have backgrounds in sound engineering/mixing and I have managed 3 companies. Perhaps we can talk more off site.
OH! If you are toying with the idea of putting an organ in the theatre…DO IT! You can get a used Allen electronic organ inexpensively and they do sound good on their own, BUT! if it has something called MIDI, you can eventually expand the organ to control real pipes. Yeah, organs are another interest of mine. However, I do admit if the original organ could be tracked down, that would even be better.


jukingeo commented about Paradise Theater on Aug 17, 2006 at 10:05 pm


Oh! Ok, Cool! It has been a while since someone wanted to put me in a book. Well, online I am pretty much known as Jukin' Geo. You could use that and put “AKA Geo1 from Cinema Treasures” in parenthesis, since I been hanging out here alot lately. Before you ask, the Jukin' Geo goes way back when I used to do jukebox and antique radio restorations. But lately since I been wanting to follow my dream I been concentrating on larger projects. I have a dual interest in both the theatre AND amusement industries…hence my knowledge on carousels. It is amazing that the roaring 20’s was a very artistic time period and not only is this evident in the construction of theatres, but also in amusement devices as well. The 20’s produced the most spectacular carousels. Once numbering in the several thousands in the 20’s, the number of antique carousels still operating today is less than 200. So like our old Golden Age theatres, we have lost many beautiful carousels and wonderful roller coasters as well.

Here take a look at this:

View link

Fat and Juicy. They just do not make them like this any more. Could you imagine what this carousel would look like in color?

Pardon me while I wipe the foam from my mouth.


jukingeo commented about Paradise Theater on Aug 17, 2006 at 3:15 pm


Come again? I don’t follow.


jukingeo commented about Paradise Theater on Aug 17, 2006 at 3:15 pm


Come again? I don’t follow.