Photos favorited by BenScope

  • <p>1986</p>
  • <p>Went to watch Toy Story #4 last week in 3D at the Cinerama Dome Hollywood. As you can see in this sample photo the new laser projectors they just put in are not kind to the bottom right & left DCP screen curve. Things on the bottom of the large screen curve way up. The masking they put in on the bottom does not give the image a nice sharp edge on the bottom corners.  The keystone is bad for DCP scope. While the laser picture is clean and bright watching the film on such a nice curved screen was ruined for me. We have been to many large curved screens around the USA and we don’t see this going on as bad as the Dome is now.  Check out the Seattle Cinerama Theatre with a larger curved screen and you won’t find this problem on the bottom ends as bad. I think many new curved screen adjust for this problem with a alignment  that pulls the image back down on the corners and a lens that helps correct the image?</p>
  • <p>Here is another image taken last week during the 3D run of Toy Story #4 at the Pacific Cinerama Dome Hollywood. While the brand new laser projectors looked very crisp and the colors very bright the bottom of the image for scope curved up on the bottom corners of the semi giant curved screen. You would think with modern alignment and keystone adjustment they could pull the image back down a little to make it a nice clean image like they had before. You better bring a flashlight as when you enter the Cinerama Dome the blue curtain lights and ceiling gold lights are set so low you won’t be able to find your reserved seat at least on the bottom level. The stereo sound does not sound as good as It was before. New surround speakers have been placed and the base is not as good many sound people have told me. There are no covers on the wall speakers and you can see the treble cones reflect light. Pacific needs to visit the Seattle Cinerama and see what lens and adjustment system they use. Probably to late for the new 70mm blow up'Once Upon A Time In Hollywood' do to open at the Dome soon. Tarantino is not going to like what he see’s on the bottom corners unless they can change the masking for film projectors?</p>