Comments from cheap

Showing 6 comments

cheap commented about Kingsway Theatre on Dec 21, 2004 at 10:53 am

the kingsway was at its peak in the 1940s
crowds would line around the block to see ;make mine music'
‘the best years of our lives;’ ‘a stolen life’ ‘laura; ;state fair;
'song of the south’‘dragonwyck’ ‘up in arms; 'walk in the sun'
the kingsway of the 40s featured mostly warner brothers and twentieth century fox films

cheap commented about Dewey Theater on Dec 21, 2004 at 10:46 am

all i remember of the dewey is that in 1945 my mother took me there to see the ‘dolly sisters’ with john payne, betty grable and june haver
albert peckmam

cheap commented about Stone Theatre on Dec 21, 2004 at 10:42 am

the stone was a small but moderne movie house thatmostly was a second run theatre
the movie next to it was the reo
that was the pits
and they featured grade z everything
both closed sometime in the 50s
and the guy who owned and operated the reo still had more initiave than most of us
albert peckmam

cheap commented about Mermaid Theater on Dec 21, 2004 at 10:36 am

the mermaid closed in 1965
albert peckman

cheap commented about Mermaid Theater on Dec 21, 2004 at 10:34 am

the mermaid was unjustly called a ‘dump
it was a small cozy movie theatre
mostly featured was revival films
or abbot and costello, ma and pa kettle
i remember one rainy april saturday afternoon-there was a john wayne double feature –'sands of iowa jima; and 'they were expendable.'
the place was packed
the candy counter sold bonomos chocolate turkish taffy
the only one who did
these working class kids did not realize john wayne was a n extreme rightwinger and an antisemite who opposed everything that made life tolerable for those naive youths who idolized him
but in the eisenhower 50s who was class conscious
albert peckman

cheap commented about People's Cinema on Dec 21, 2004 at 10:27 am

the peoples cinema must have have been built in the 20s
no it was not a radical movie house
it was a very basic lunchbucket movie house
on saturday afternoons-at about 1-kids were come in to the place with three salami sandwiches bottles of pepsi-and slices of messing cakes-and watch westerns, grade z detective stories, east side kids, and ‘chapters’-along with cartoons.
the whole thing cost a dime
in 1953, the peoples cinema closed for good
the next year it was converted into a key food
i understand it is a discount store today.
or maybe its part of rubble in the ground
albert peckmam