Kingsway Theatre

946 Kings Highway,
Brooklyn, NY 11223

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Previously operated by: Century Circuit Inc., Cineplex Odeon, RKO

Architects: R. Thomas Short

Previous Names: RKO Kingsway Theatre

Nearby Theaters

The Kingsway

Opened on April 27, 1921 with 2,500 seats. It was equipped with an Austin 3 manual 27 ranks organ. The one time RKO Kingsway Theatre became a twin screen theatre on May 19, 1976. It became a triplex on June 20, 1980 with a 500-seat third screen built on the stage. From June 25, 1982 it was operating as a 4-screen theatre. Last operated as a five screen movie house from May 25, 1984 until its closure on January 25, 2001. It was transformed into Walgreen store, which had closed by summer of 2023.

Contributed by Phil Goldberg, William Gabel

Recent comments (view all 112 comments)

xfiles on February 5, 2015 at 8:16 am

When i worked here it was a triplex 2 theaters downstairs 1 upstairs that was 78-81 3 theaters total The backstage was from when it was a vaudeville show there was dressing rooms upstairs and autographs on the walls going all the way back to the 50s and i think if i remember correct some a s far back as the 30s it was really cool .Behind theater 1 screen were stairs that went up to the dressing rooms for the vaudeville performers. A real shame they tore it down and built a walgreens.

theatrefan on February 12, 2015 at 5:47 am

The management of this theatre tried to do what they could with the upkeep of this house with the resources they had available to them. They would beg Cineplex Odeon for new seats, sound curtains, masking motors, carpets, etc. Unfortunately they would not get much help, due to the financial difficulties they were having at the time. When Loews took over, the writing was already on the wall for this faded beauty of Kings Highway. So sad that there are no Movie Theatres in this area except for the Kent Triplex & The Sheepshead Bay.

theatrefan on September 23, 2015 at 8:06 am

This was the only Cineplex Odeon Theatre in Brooklyn that still featured the RKO Century name one it’s marquee. It was never changed to Cineplex Odeon like the Fortway, Alpine & Kenmore were.

rivest266 on October 15, 2020 at 1:21 pm

Grand opening ad posted.

theatrefan on June 8, 2021 at 4:42 pm

It actually closed in January 2001, among the last titles that were listed on the Kingsway marquee were: Castaway, Dracula 2000 & Miss Congeniality all of which opened on December 22nd 2000. There were also other films listed like The Emperors New Groove & Vertical Limit which had opened earlier in that month.

ridethectrain on July 10, 2021 at 8:57 am

Please update, became a twin on or about May 19, 1976, triplex on June 20, 1980, quad on June 25, 1982 (grand opening ad in photos section) and fiveplex on May 25, 1984. Theatre closed on January 25, 2001

theatrelvr on July 24, 2023 at 9:52 am

Small update but the Walgreens that took over this space recently closed. Dare I hope it goes back to a theater. Yeah, probably not. Probably a bank or some such.

ridethectrain on March 14, 2025 at 5:05 pm

Seating Capacity:

Theatre 1 433

Theatre 2 429

Theatre 3 315 Balcony

Theatre 4 550

Theatre 5 450 entrance on Coney Island Avenue

Mike (saps)
Mike (saps) on March 14, 2025 at 10:39 pm

It’s wild to think they could fit 450 seats on the old stage area.

theatrefan on March 17, 2025 at 8:30 pm

Theatre Five (Former Stage House) actually had it’s own balcony as well.

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