Profile for galateasca

Favorite movies: I'm a film junkie from way back and used to make the circuit with friends all over the city. Atlanta born and reared.Way too many films to rate a favorite. Re-watching a film is like visiting an old friend. Now I'm introducing the next generation to the classics! Some favorite include, but are not limited to- Yellow Submarine, Harold and Maude, Animal Crackers, Love, Actually, Rebel Without a Cause, Star Wars, Rope, The Greatest Showman, West Side Story, LaLa Land, (Musicals in general), The Rocky Horror Picture Show, It;s A Wonderful Life, Breakfast at Tiffany's, An Affair to Remember,Fantasia, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs...and a 1000 more. My guilty pleasure films are feel-good, light comedies.
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Member since: June 15, 2011