Comments from jimharwood

Showing 6 comments

jimharwood commented about Palace Theatre Demolition November 2006 on Feb 15, 2016 at 9:29 pm

Palace Theatre demolished in November 2006.

jimharwood commented about Chakeres Theatres Upper Valley Mall Cinema 5 on Oct 30, 2015 at 11:16 pm

The info above under the Google street view is incorrect and SRCputt’s info is accurate. The Upper Valley Mall Cinemas was originally opened by General Cinema Corp in 1971 and there were two auditoriums, not one. Cinema 2 was later split in two and then in the early 1980’s the Chakeres family took over and cut the two smaller theatres in half going the other direction to make a total of five theatres. Those smaller theatres are incredibly small. The original Cinema 1 is still in its original configuration, Shadow Box screen and all, though they did paint the area around the screen. This and the Chakeres 10 are the only indoor theatres in Springfield running first run films, and that’s a shame. While Cinema 1 still has its charms, the other theatres here, as well as at the Cinema 10, are typical 1980’s-style multiplex shoeboxes. No showmanship, no thought for presentation. Sad.

jimharwood commented about Chakeres Theatres Cinema 10 on Dec 29, 2013 at 5:06 pm

The Cinema 7/10 is typical of the “shoebox style” theatres that were built in the 1980’s and into the 90’s. No auditorium décor to speak of. At least when the theatre opened it had stereo. Springfield’s two biggest theatres at the time, the State and Regent, didn’t have stereo (though the Regent had the speakers for it, they stopped using them many years before. Stereo was about the only positive thing one could say for the Cinema 10. Small, character-less, screening rooms. Of late, also not very well maintained. Springfield deserves to have one of the big chains come in and build a new theatre with stadium seating, large screens, etc. Also, the State and Regent should be restored. To think, these showplaces were closed so that the Cinema 7/10 could open. Progress!

jimharwood commented about The top screen of the Regent Theater on Dec 29, 2013 at 4:38 pm

This is the balcony of the Regent. It was walled-off from the main auditorium in the early 1980’s and the second screen was added. The screen in the balcony is still hanging. It was one of those “one size fits all” types. Panavision/CinemaScope films would have the edges lopped off and “Flat” 1.85 films would loose top and bottom. The Regent balcony basically massacred the presentation of anything run there. The balcony itself was nice though. Nice ceiling work (not seen here). The place has not aged well at all.

jimharwood commented about Majestic Theater on Dec 29, 2013 at 4:23 pm

The Google street shot above is incorrect. The Majestic sat one block south (to the left). It was located in the middle of the block near where the 12-story Credit Life Building sits.

jimharwood commented about Newport Theater on Oct 4, 2012 at 1:17 pm

Apparently this theater has been demolished. There is a video over at Youtube of the demolition.