Profile for markinthedark
Favorite theaters: 195 theaters
Photos uploaded: 142 photos
Favorite photos: 3 photos
Favorite movies: Lawrence of Arabia, Baraka, Star Wars IV-VI, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Three Colors Trilogy, The Decalogue, The Grand Illusion, The Great Escape, Bladerunner, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Goldfinger, From Russia With Love, You Only Live Twice, Rear Window, North By Northwest, The Thin Red Line, The Double Life of Veronique, Star Treks II, III, IV (the trilogy), Never Cry Wolf, Dune, 2001, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The Ipcress File, Run Lola Run, 8 1/2, Cold Fever
Comments: 578 comments
Member since: May 3, 2005