The Mahoning Drive In Roadshow on Saturday evening was fantastic. From the wood fired pizza truck out front, to the vendors in the lobby, to the two movies on the big screen, it was a great evening. I hope they come back.
Welp I drove by today. I took a look inside. It is completely gutted down to the outer walls. All you see are the steel beams that were between the cinemas and the steel work that held up the projection room is visible. The sloped floors have been cut and filled and leveled. It is slated to become a Gym. I had a nice 9 year run as a projectionist here from 1995-2004.
Hopefully they find a projectionist soon and can get it back up and running. The longer it stays closed, the more unlikely it will not come back. The campground situation is a sticky one too.
My wife worked on the christmas show for 12 prior to 2020. She told me you would not believe how pampered those animals are. They are well taken care of and not in any way abused or anything .
rcampton, I was one of the projectionists from 1984 till it closed in 2005. I remember Ted, Jimmy, Frank, Danny and Ed the other projectionists. I got in to the booth on one of the last days before it was demolished. Everything was gone. It was all pushed over into theatre 13. Office equipment, everything. All the theatres were full of water. The roof in 14 had holes in it and a tree was growing in there. It was sickening and sad at the same time. Im 64 years old now and realize I spent a third of my life there. Best of times for sure.
JB1981, I am not there on thursday. I am in Rahway running 35MM Saturday Night Fever. The picture and sound was great. We did not watch as we had to make sure the print fed off the shipping reel ok. The person who did watch it said its powerful.
Went to the theatre yesterday. Had a very weird experience. I was able to get in to video the projection room on my cell phone. Phone stopped recording twice, which it never did. Had 5 min to do it. Got back to the car and had 6 seconds of video, which looked like a white swoosh. Ghosts??? And as a 48 year projectionist veteran and having worked here for 21 years, I was sick to see all the projection equipment pushed thru holes cut in the walls by 5, 8 and 13. All trashed. Booth was completely stripped except for a few Mark 4 peg board automations.
Went by again today. One correction, the entire projection room was stripped. A worker told me it all went for scrap. Cinemas 1 thru 6 are gone. They are now up to the original 1979 build which housed the original 6 plex, later cinemas 7 thru 14.
Demolishon has begun as ofJune 26. Thus far cinema 1 and 2 are gone. Cinema 3 and 4 are close. Today they were scooping chairs out of Cinema 5 and 6. Projection equipment going down with the building.
Please change name back to Fox Theatre
THis theatre was the Fox theatre and was closed in early 1980 and demolished.
The Mahoning Drive In Roadshow on Saturday evening was fantastic. From the wood fired pizza truck out front, to the vendors in the lobby, to the two movies on the big screen, it was a great evening. I hope they come back.
Welp I drove by today. I took a look inside. It is completely gutted down to the outer walls. All you see are the steel beams that were between the cinemas and the steel work that held up the projection room is visible. The sloped floors have been cut and filled and leveled. It is slated to become a Gym. I had a nice 9 year run as a projectionist here from 1995-2004.
42 seats?? What a joke.
Tomorrows movie Nightmare on Elm Street and next thursdays movie The Lost Boys have both been inspected and the prints are in excellent condition.
My father ran the same double feature in 1972 in New Jersey as the New Amsterdam.
Surprised its in such good condition after 3 years.
The print of Grease Sing-a-Long has been inspected and ready for showing on May 16. It is in pristine condition.
Hopefully they find a projectionist soon and can get it back up and running. The longer it stays closed, the more unlikely it will not come back. The campground situation is a sticky one too.
At the rate this is going, the theatre will reopen one month before the lease ends.
Theatre 12 was the original 70MM house for Hateful 8 and Dunkirk.
My wife worked on the christmas show for 12 prior to 2020. She told me you would not believe how pampered those animals are. They are well taken care of and not in any way abused or anything .
Only 13 screens but opened as 15. Must have torn a few walls down somewhere.
Rumor is more retail. I say they put up a 3 screen drive in theatre.
rcampton yes Ed was Teds son. I remember Evelyn. I seem to remember a Charlie Ralston as a Division Manager.
rcampton, I was one of the projectionists from 1984 till it closed in 2005. I remember Ted, Jimmy, Frank, Danny and Ed the other projectionists. I got in to the booth on one of the last days before it was demolished. Everything was gone. It was all pushed over into theatre 13. Office equipment, everything. All the theatres were full of water. The roof in 14 had holes in it and a tree was growing in there. It was sickening and sad at the same time. Im 64 years old now and realize I spent a third of my life there. Best of times for sure.
I should add to the above comment that was in 1977
Sept 4 marks the anniversary that this theatre closed and was renovated to a twin theatre.
Joshua Bilmes, yes that would be this past saturday. Glad I gave you a great presentation.
JB1981, I am not there on thursday. I am in Rahway running 35MM Saturday Night Fever. The picture and sound was great. We did not watch as we had to make sure the print fed off the shipping reel ok. The person who did watch it said its powerful.
Yes I will be running Oppenheimer here. Ran it this morning. Ill be there Fri and Sat, then 2 days off, 2 days on, 2 days off the rest of the run.
Went to the theatre yesterday. Had a very weird experience. I was able to get in to video the projection room on my cell phone. Phone stopped recording twice, which it never did. Had 5 min to do it. Got back to the car and had 6 seconds of video, which looked like a white swoosh. Ghosts??? And as a 48 year projectionist veteran and having worked here for 21 years, I was sick to see all the projection equipment pushed thru holes cut in the walls by 5, 8 and 13. All trashed. Booth was completely stripped except for a few Mark 4 peg board automations.
Went by again today. One correction, the entire projection room was stripped. A worker told me it all went for scrap. Cinemas 1 thru 6 are gone. They are now up to the original 1979 build which housed the original 6 plex, later cinemas 7 thru 14.
Demolishon has begun as ofJune 26. Thus far cinema 1 and 2 are gone. Cinema 3 and 4 are close. Today they were scooping chairs out of Cinema 5 and 6. Projection equipment going down with the building.