Comments from mikemorano

Showing 1 - 25 of 309 comments

mikemorano commented about RKO Madison Theatre on May 15, 2007 at 8:11 am

Warren may call Tonino and myself a freak but at least we are not fibber’s that claim to have photo’s of the Ridgewood Theatre that he never actually had. I would rather be called a freak then a fibber anyday. Perhap’s we could take a tour of the Liberty Dept Store. I would very much like to meet Mae West. haha

mikemorano commented about RKO Madison Theatre on May 15, 2007 at 6:50 am

What was your act fella swallowing goldfish. Perhap’s a quote from an Abbott & Costello routine will sum up the comments made by Warren. Abbott- Now, that’s the first thing you’ve said right. Costello- I don’t even know what I’m talking about!

mikemorano commented about RKO Madison Theatre on May 15, 2007 at 6:14 am

Perhap’s it is true that $25 per night wasn’t a lot of money for a performer of any merit in the 1940s. $2.50 per night would have been over payment for no talent Warren. The trained animal act would earn more then him. haha

mikemorano commented about RKO Madison Theatre on May 15, 2007 at 3:24 am

Warrin presumes to know everything yet his babbling testifies to his true ignorance on many topics. When he posted that vaudeville was discontinued in 1932 many people presume he means there was no more vaudeville after 1932. Speak english fella. In general show biz people earn more money then the average worker even in vaudeville times that would be true.

mikemorano commented about Belmont Theatre on May 9, 2007 at 1:45 am

Very cool. The photo appears to jump off the screen at you. haha

mikemorano commented about RKO Madison Theatre on May 2, 2007 at 3:29 am

PKoch who is Fast Eddie. Do you mean Fast Eddie in the ‘Hustler’ movie. Fella’s you can read about Ridgewood at Wikipedia. There is a photo of Myrtle avenue. The RKO Madison Theatre can be seen in the photo. Perhap’s you will find it interesting.,_Queens

mikemorano commented about RKO Keith's Richmond Hill Theatre on Apr 30, 2007 at 5:54 am

Fella’s the 1948 lawsuit was about price fixing. Perhap’s the combination of the lawsuit and the invention of television caused many theatre’s to close in the 1950’s. Unless tv’s were too expensive such as a VCR was in the 1970’s. In that case tv couldn’t be blamed for theatre’s closing.

mikemorano commented about RKO Keith's Richmond Hill Theatre on Apr 27, 2007 at 4:23 am

The statistics imply that many theatre’s closed in the 1950’s and again in the 1970’s. Perhap’s television was the main culprit of theatre closing’s in the 1950’s. VCR’s may have caused a similar problem in the 1970’s. Why did the RKO Keith’s Richmond Hill theatre close in the 1960’s if it survived television and was the only theatre in the area.

mikemorano commented about RKO Keith's Richmond Hill Theatre on Apr 26, 2007 at 5:51 am

Thanx for your response Bway. That is a very cool question Tonino. What year did the most movie theatre’s close. Even if the RKO Keith’s Richmond Hill theatre closed in the 1960’s the majority of theatre’s probably closed in the 1950’s. Perhap’s 1955 would be a good guess.

mikemorano commented about RKO Keith's Richmond Hill Theatre on Apr 25, 2007 at 5:43 am

Very cool. Perhap’s mish-mosh will be the new slogan for his babbling. haha Do any of you fella’s know the year that the RKO Keith’s Richmond Hill theatre became a bingo hall.

mikemorano commented about Broadway Theatre on Apr 20, 2007 at 8:16 am

Very cool. I can see Sabino’s jewelry with a Broadway theatre sign below.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 20, 2007 at 8:13 am

Very good PKoch. What did you fella’s think about Jesse Jackson calling New York himey town. Why wasn’t he fired for using that phrase. Imus should be rehired.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 19, 2007 at 4:13 am

Perhap’s only an idiot would continue to incite trouble by referring to other’s as idiot’s. Your recent messages are nothing more then trivial trash fella. I thought Tonino’s message was very funny. Imus for president. haha

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 12, 2007 at 4:01 am

haha PKoch the ‘Alien Outlaw’ movie did remind me somewhat of ‘The Wild Wild West’ only with aliens instead of earth villains. ‘Alien Outlaw’ is worth a look. The price has been reduced to $5.99 on the deepdiscount website. Another inexpensive movie is ‘Battle Of The Worlds’ 1961 starring Claude Rains. Not a great movie but not too shabby a movie for under $6.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 9, 2007 at 4:47 am

Fella’s over the weekend I scored a copy of ‘Alien Outlaw’ from 1985. Directed by Phil Smoot this movie is cowboy’s vs alien’s. Wild Bill Cody and Lash LaRue are both in this movie. One of the best B movies I’ve seen in a long time for under $10.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 6, 2007 at 4:32 am

Very cool fella’s. The two photograph’s do resemble each other. The window above the McDonald’s entrance is the same shape as in the vintage photo. Did 42nd street have trolley tracks as the photo depict’s. PKoch is Thomas Edison’s production of ‘Frankenstein’ available on DVD. That would be so cool to own. Perhap’s NativeForestHiller can inform us where the land marking status is at now.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 4, 2007 at 4:28 am

I would very much like to check out those serial’s. Are they available on DVD. The 1949 Batman serial aired on AMC awhile back. I had planned to tape the show but my VCR was broken at the time. It is still broken. haha

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 3, 2007 at 6:08 am

Perhap’s we can interest the lady in old movies PKoch. I will start the ball rolling. The Valley of Gwangi (1969) is available on DVD. James Franciscus plays a Wild-West showman who tries to capture a dinosaur alive. Good special effects by Ray Harryhausen. This movie is on the high price end at $16.95. It’s a good flick fella’s even at that price.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 2, 2007 at 3:22 am

Very cool PKoch. Perhap’s this lady is interested in old movies as well as theatre’s.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Mar 30, 2007 at 4:14 am

I enhanced the photo PKoch. It becomes very blurry when enhanced. I’m not positive but perhap’s one line read’s ‘on to 4x street and’. Can someone else read more of the word’s in the photo. Perhap’s the tracks in the street are a clue. This is very much like a jumble puzzle in a newspaper. haha

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Mar 28, 2007 at 6:56 am

Very cool photo. The smoke might be the result of a cold rainy day. The ground appear’s wet. The gentleman in the foreground is wearing a coat. Can any of you fella’s decipher the vertical sign with the letter’s ‘urrays’. Perhap’s the theatre should be posted then other folk’s can contribute.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Mar 20, 2007 at 3:43 am

Very cool JKane. I will not seek out a copy of ‘The Playgirls and the Bellboy’. What do you think about ‘The Rain People’ directed by Coppola. It’s pre ‘Godfather’ and includes both James Caan and Robert Duvall. I haven’t found it on DVD as of yet. ‘Dementia 13’ is a good movie to purchase. It can be found on DVD for $6.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Mar 19, 2007 at 4:14 am

Fella’s let us not forget the 1962 comedy flick ‘The Playgirls and the Bellboy’ directed by Francis Ford Coppola. I have not seen it available on DVD. Perhap’s someone has.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Mar 9, 2007 at 6:53 am

haha you described the correct movie. The aliens have ping pong ball eye’s. The device used to close Peter Graves chest look similar to welding torch’s without a flame. Very silly by today’s standard. My next DVD order will include ‘The Day The Sky Exploded’ 1958. A spaghetti scifi flick. Has anyone seen this movie.

mikemorano commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Mar 9, 2007 at 6:08 am

Fella’s I scored a copy of ‘Killers from Space’ 1954 starring Peter Graves. He play’s a scientist who die’s in a plane crash but is brought back to life by aliens. The alien’s want Peter Graves to get them nuclear secrets so they can conquer the world. The DVD is released by Alpha video so you know the quality is terrible. Still a cool movie to watch.
PKoch on the IMDB website you can read about Gojira (1984).