Comments from OkieDoug

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OkieDoug commented about Gem Theatre on Aug 24, 2013 at 1:23 pm

I went to the GEM once when I was about 10 years old with my brother who was on a date with the daughter of a local banker (somewhere around 1947). It was a matinee and as I remember, and we three were just about the entire audience. A short time later, the banker ran my brother off with a shotgun. His name was Blaine as I remember, and my brother went peacably. The girl was a real beauty!

OkieDoug commented about Hankins Drive-In on Aug 24, 2013 at 9:10 am

Back in the 1950’s Hankins was one of two drive in theaters, the other being the Mt. Scott Drive In on Sheridan Road, where there is now a Wal-Mart. It used to have dollar carload nights (on Wednesdays I believe) and had a great snack bar. Hankins was located at the corner of Bishop Road and Fort Sill Blvd (11th Street) on the south side of town near the airport.

OkieDoug commented about Franroy Theatre on Aug 24, 2013 at 9:04 am

This was my favorite theater back in the 40’s and is where most teens and preteens went on Saturdays. I was from Indiahoma and my buddy and I used to go the Franroy and meet girls from neighborbing towns such as Medicine Park. I remember one girl named Pameya W. from Mountain park (don’t know if it is spelled correctly or not)but never saw her again except for that one time. My dad managed an icecream store across the street for awhile and all the kids used to stop in for a popcycle, fudgecycle, etc, prior to the movie.

OkieDoug commented about Cyclone Theatre on Aug 24, 2013 at 8:59 am

When I was a preteen, living in Indiahoma, about 12 miles east of Snyder, we used to hitchhike to Snyder every Saturday in time for the 1:00 PM matinee and then hang around for the main movie. It was called the Alamo then and showed a lot of double features. I am now 76.