Profile for PauloFerrero
Favorite movies: 2001-A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, Excalibur, Brazil, Shining, Halloween, Raging Bull, Apocalypse Now, The Godfather, A Clockwork Orange, Taxi Driver, Barry Lyndon, Alien, The Duellists, Nosferatu, Faust, Metropolis, M, Dr.Mabuse-The Gambler, Sunrise, Ivan Grosnij, Alexander Nevski, Citizen Kane, The Fog, Dracula, Freaks, The Invisible Man, Frankenstein, Sleepy Hollow, Seven Samourai, Heaven Can Wait, Die Niebelungen, Pale Rider, The Wild Bunch, Point Blank, Deliverance, etc.
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Member since: March 9, 2004