53 Drive-In Movies 5-2-1981
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Featured Theater
Photo Info
Taken on: September 10, 2014
Uploaded on: September 9, 2014
Exposure: 17679/500000 sec, f/2.0, ISO 100
Camera: Nokia Lumia 920
Software: Windows Phone
GPS: 42° 0' 15" N, -88° 2' 7" W
Size: 250.5 KB
Views: 2,822
Full EXIF: View all
GPS latitude ref: N
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Exposure time: 17679/500000
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Pixel X dimension: 3552
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GPS latitude: 42015781/1000
Aperture value: 2
F number: 2
Digital zoom ratio: 1
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Y resolution: 72
Pixel Y dimension: 2000
Date time original: Tue Sep 09 22:55:18 -0700 2014
Light source: 0
GPS longitude ref: W
YCbCr positioning: 1
Date time digitized: Tue Sep 09 22:55:18 -0700 2014
GPS longitude: 882241/40
Exposure bias value: 0
Scene capture type: 0
GPS measure mode: 3
Software: Windows Phone
Make: Nokia
GPS altitude ref:
This ad is from the Daily Herald on 5-2-1981 of the movies that were showing at the 53 Drive-In that evening. Also please note that a midnight movie runs each night, these were adult topless movies and they charged $1.00 per car for the midnight show which was fun to attend when you were 16 or 17 years old and could just turn your head when you handed the $1.00 out a small opening in your car window. Those were very fund days!
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