Goodbye from the ABC even though it was called Odeon at the time

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Tiny ritzman

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Ritz cinema Aldershot

ABC Aldershot

Aldershot, GB

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Uploaded on: May 15, 2022

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Views: 978


Goodbye from the ABC even though it was called Odeon at the time

The last hurrah from the staff 10th July 2003. Defiant to the last, the projectionist had been there over 42 years and the cinema was still named Ritz when he started. Ironically, the Empire cinema next door closed as an Odeon (renamed in 1964) The 3 screens were completely stripped out of all fixtures & fittings and have now been dark for 19 years. The Ritz/ABC/Cannon/Odeon was 85 years old on 13th May 2022. Bingo continues in the former stalls area.

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