Photos favorited by Rudi

  • <p>7th Street Theater© Fort Worth TX  Billy Smith / Don Lewis</p>
  • <p><a href="](">Rustic© Drive-IN…Brownfield Texas  Don Lewis Vanishing Movie Theaters</a></p>
  • <p>Midland Drive-In, taken in August 2001.</p>
  • <p>The marquee was damaged in the November 1981 windstorm. The readerboard metal panels blew out and are laying on the ground in front of the posts. Marquee was located at the corner of Capitol Boulevard and Israel Road near the fire station and across from the Point Tavern. When the theater first opened in 1949, the marquee was located on the roof of the Point Tavern.</p>
  • <p>The screen tower was slightly damaged in the windstorm of November 1981. Look closely to see the damaged asbestos tiles. The white picture area is 40 feet high by 94 feet wide. The screen was angled toward the ramps for a brighter picture.</p>
  • <p>Wide view of the field showing screen, snack bar building, and speaker posts in February 1985.</p>
  • <p>This is the gate the employees used and also for turning around vehicles. This entrance road to the theater still exists today and is called New Market Street Southwest. It runs between Tumwater City Hall and the Timberland Regional Library. Some of these trees in the picture are still there.</p>
  • <p>This cartoon sign depicting characters Tom and Jerry was at the left of the boxoffice building to greet customers. It was saved and preserved when the theater was demolished.</p>
  • <p>The Sunset had a pair Brenkert BX-80 projector heads, RCA 9030 mono soundheads, Panavision cinemascope lenses, Strong X-60C xenon lamphouse running a 4200 watt bulb, and Eprad Co-Operator automation system controlling it all.</p>
  • <p>Famous cartoon characters are depicted working at the Olympia beer brewery in Tumwater in this cartoon mural.</p>
  • <p>The Sunset used all RCA sound equipment. The speaker junction boxes are all embossed with the famous RCA logo. These are what are called in the drive-in theater industry, “RCA Old Style” junction boxes.</p>
  • <p>The Sunset had mostly RCA brand in-car speakers like this one. However, we did have a mix of other brands to replace ones that were stolen over the years.</p>
  • <p>8 Oct 2009 photo by Howard B. Haas of Philadelphia, PA USA</p>
  • <p>May 2004 just days before it was sadly demolished!  It sat about a city block back off of Bosque Blvd behind the old Lake Air Mall.  Both the original mall and theater were demolished to make room for the new shopping center.</p>
  • <p>Interior view (link to this photo posted by Warren G. Harris)</p>
  • <p>April 2007</p>
  • <p>April 2007</p>
  • <p>Strand theater, Wildwood, NJ</p>
  • <p>The Colonial Theatre is completely intact inside, and used as the Wayside Baptist Church.</p>