Park Lane - Auditorium #8

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Uploaded on: July 17, 2017

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Park Lane - Auditorium #8

The interior of Auditorium 8, the largest in Park Lane, seating 353 and featuring a massive constant-height screen that’s at least 50 feet wide. Note that when this photo was being taken, the side masking was in the process of closing from scope to flat after a film finished, so the screen is a fair bit wider than what is shown here.

Before being renovated with stadium seating in 2005, this auditorium had seating for 522. It originally had 70mm projection capability, and as each auditorium in Park Lane had a unique name, it was named “Paradise.”

It was renamed “Capitol” a year later, due to the efforts of Halifax’s mayor Ron Wallace, who had worked as an usher at that iconic Halifax theatre, which was demolished in 1974.

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