Box office

Uploaded By

Tiny Jason Whyte

Featured Theater

Box office

Bankers Hall Cinemas

Calgary, CA

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Box office

From Famous News magazine, this is a picture of the free-standing box office. The cinema was located to the left of this photo.

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Comments (1)

Jason Whyte
Jason Whyte on December 15, 2023 at 1:01 pm

Also from the issue:

Here We Grow Again

Famous Players added another jewel to the crown when the Bankers Hall five-plex opened in Calgary in March. The theatre (boxoffice pictured below) is located in the new Bankers Hall shopping and office complex in downtown Calgary.

A very successful promotional opening was held one night prior to the public opening: approximately 800 radio and newspaper contest winners, and local media, filled the five theatres (each showing a different feature) and munched on complimentary soft drinks and popcorn. The new theatre features a spacious lobby, neon signage, high-back seats, Dolby SR sound and giant screens, particularly in the 367-seat Paradise theatre. The screen in the Paradise is more than giant; it’s mammoth! Despite the hectic, last-minute push to get the theatre opened on time, manager Brenda Bugg and her staff are to be congratulated for a terrific job.

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