Victory Theatre
81-89 Suffolk Street,
81-89 Suffolk Street,
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During late 2022 and early 2023, the Victory received two grants from the city towards construction and they are continuing to pursue other funding sources, including the state legislature. Progress still being made. Estimated total cost of restoration now sits at $44,000,000, but it is good to see the progress made on raising funds!
Abandoned America link with photos as of April 2022.
Some updates!
The funereal parlor was demolished in March 2021 and they are continuing fundraising before starting the renovation which would take 18 months to 2 years.
New official webpage link: https://www.mifafestival.org/victorytheatre
In October 2021 the big murals were taken by Evergreene Architectural Arts for restoration.
In July, nearly 500,000 in SBA Grants were awarded to the ZVictory theatre.
Links to more updates!
The target date of a December 2020 opening has been delayed. The adjacent building, a former funeral parlor, must be demolished so there can be an annex for additional dressing rooms, office space and a loading dock. Estimate is now 46 million dollars for the renovation/restoration.
Update: Victory Theatre actual address is 81-89 Suffolk Street, zip code 01040 per their official website, and street view confirms such. MiFA’s office is offsite at 56 Suffolk Street, Suite 300.
More updates!
MIFA newsletter, February 2020: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Behind-The-Scenes.html?soid=1102402751736&aid=sL7SIC4mW_s
Purchase of 134 Chestnut Street in December 2019, adjacent to stage house - to be used for support space:
Latest update on the renovation effort:
They now have commitments for approximately $27,000,000 towards the new total cost estimate of $43,000,000. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, the roof was repaired and asbestos removed.
According to the February 2016 article, they have now raised 22,500,000 out of the $30,000,000 needed for restoration only leaving about 7.5 million left to raise.
I’ll be co-hosting a photo workshop at the Victory Theatre in Holyoke, MA on June 27. The last two workshops we held at the theater sold out pretty quickly so if you’re interested get your tickets soon. A portion of the proceeds raised will be donated to the theater to help the restoration effort. We’ve raised over $1,600 so far this year!
For more information and to purchase tickets: The Victory Theatre: An After the Final Curtain Photography Workshop
i walk by here every day on my way back from the gym for the past 2 months here and there i have seen workers going in and there is a dumpster outside. the smell of asbestos when you walk by is unreal even in the winter but i really do hope they are doing good things inside. im afraid its to far gone
Several months ago I heard that this project was starting to unravel, unfortunately; but I don’t recall what the source of that news was. The people in charge are stalwart types and I hope that they can get back on track.
This project seems unfortunately to be stalled. In an article on the New England Public Radio website dated April 12,2013,the Massachusetts International Festival of the Arts (MIFA)artistic director Donald Sanders says he thinks MIFA could secure funding, complete renovations, and open the theatre in three years.
That pushes the reopening to 2016.
Nice to be updated on the Victory Theatre!
Check out my post on the Victory Theatre at After the Final Curtain
The August 27, 1919, issue of The American Architect published an early announcement about the plans for the Victory Theatre, though it placed the site at Suffolk and Chestnut Streets rather than Suffolk and Walnut:
Later notices in other publications reduced the cost of the project to $250,000, but Mowll & Rand were still listed as the architects.The current restoration of the Victory Theatre is designed by the Providence, Rhode Island, firm DBVW Architects (Durkee, Brown, Viveiros & Werenfels.) Their web site currently features a rendering of how the completed project will look, plus four current photos of the theater.
The photo tours posted by Matt Labros in january show the paintaings to the left and right of the proscenium to be gone — I hope they were simply removed for restoration (I expect that to be the case)
Sorry, that should read “19,500,000 of $27,000,000” (above)
According to the above article, the victory has raised $19,500,000 of the $27,000 needed to complete the renovation, and they sre launching a fundraising campaign to raise the remaining amount. A much earlier fundraising cappain’s proceeds were partially used some time ago to repaier the roof, remove asbestos, board up the building and complete the renovation plans.
The Victory once again in the news:
View link
Another link with great photos:
View link
The whole site is amazing, poke around.
I took a photo tour of the Victory recently. My friend Tom did a quick write up of it.
View link
The Victory is listed in the 1927 Film Daily Yearbook as having 2286 seats and open daily.
Latest news – December 2009 the foundation officially purchased the Victory for $7,500.00 (They had previously been leasing it for $1.00/year), and currently they only have to raise $8,000,000 of the $27,000,000 needed to complete the renovation!
The Victory project recently received some sort of grant award/ tax credit from the state.