Riverside Park Drive-In

1623 Main Street,
Agawam, MA 01001

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MichaelKilgore on July 18, 2019 at 4:34 pm

From the April 19, 1947 issue of BoxOffice:

AGAWAM, MASS. — With a record crowd in attendance, Riverside Park-In Theatre, owned and operated by Edward J. Carroll, opened here over the Easter weekend. The open-air theatre is part of Carroll’s extensive Riverside amusement park.

MichaelKilgore on March 21, 2019 at 2:43 pm

From the July 24, 1940 issue of The Exhibitor:

Riverside Park, reopened this season by Ed Carroll at considerable expense, isn’t proving the deadly competition with local theatre managers at first feared. With the exception of the roller skating rink and the outdoor motion picture venture, the park’s attractions are drawing but mildly, according to best information available.

James Fisher
James Fisher on April 29, 2007 at 2:07 am

OOOOOOOOO i have been to River side park i remember buying Ice Creme at the drive -in yeah time goes on and on

James Fisher
James Fisher on April 29, 2007 at 2:07 am

OOOOOOOOO i have been to River side park i remember buying Ice Creme at the drive -in yeah time goes on and on

Beepa on April 27, 2007 at 4:51 pm

I recall attending Riverside Drive-in while I was a student at AIC in Springfield during the 40’s. The only speaker system was up in front by the screen so that you had to leave your windows open, no matter the weather. As I recall it showed strictly 2d and 3rd run films. At the same time Riverside Park had a large dance hall down closer to the river (Connecticut River) where most of the “Big Bands” appeared during the summer on Tuesday and Saturday nights.

AlLarkin on April 30, 2005 at 12:08 pm

I did find out that its official name was the Riverside Park-In. Creative, huh?

Ron Newman
Ron Newman on March 8, 2005 at 8:37 am

I don’t know anything about the drive-in, but “Riverside Park” is the former name for the amusement park that is now called “Six Flags New England”.