Albany Theatre
107 N. Jackson Street,
107 N. Jackson Street,
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Closed in 1980.
Severely damaged by a tornado on February 10, 1940.
This was a segregated theatre with persons of color seated in a corner of the upper balcony reached through a separate entrance. This seated area was referred to by the now politically incorrect term “Crows Nest”.
I was given the opportunity to tour this old theatre when the proposed renovation was planned. It was a shame to see such a magnificant building in the shape it was in. I wrote a story about the theatre tour and if anyone would like to read it, please send me a request at l.bearden@windstream.net. A few of the orchestra seats remained and all of the balcony seats remained. Odd thing I noticed about this theatre was that the restrooms were on the mezannine level, I found not on the main floor. Went down under the stage and could look up through the open stage floor and see the electric hub. Stage timbers were handing down. There was no water in the area so the drains must still work. Could not locate a heating plant but i know there had to be one as the building had a chimney.
Posted to the National Register of Historic Places on August 21, 2006 Reference number 06000733 Architectural style: Late 19th and 20th Century Revival: Classical Revival
This was a magnifcent theatre in the 60’s, very large for a town the size of Albany. I’m of the opinion that all historic movie theatres should be restored, what treasures they are, that we will never experience again, please save the Albany Theatre.
this place was opulent by sowega standards. saw ‘green berets’ here, as well as many others. the problem is not that the theater is in disrepair, the problem is that albany is in disrepair. the inner city is pretty much an island where everyone exists on entitlements of one kind or another. it would be ludicrous to invest even one dime in restoring this theater.
Thanks Tom O.Plez post more stories,most all of us worked ,or managed in the business.
My first job ever was usher/ticket taker at the “Albany”. I worked afternoons after till closing, and all day Sat and Sun. I made $35 a week. But gas was only about 25 cents a gallon. Fun times.
Here’s a January 2011 picture of the Albany.
Feb.18 1980 and no surprize on the movie ,its “BLACK MAGIC” Rated R.
October 15 1973 Now showing “BLACKENSTEIN” Rated PG. I don’t think this movie ever made it to our downtown theatres in Augusta.I had heard about it.Of course.“BLACULA” played.And the Sequel.
May 3 1975
Another Black movie,“SWEET SWEETBACK” is playing.
Jan.2 1977 “MONKEY HUSTLE” is playing.
Come on Folks in Albany,Save this theatre,Augusta SAVED THREE of her downtown theatres!
Renovation seems to have gone kaput. Building is now for sale on Loopnet with the front recommended for offices and the auditorium “in need of major repair or tear down.”
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The Albany Theatre is up for sale for 1.5 million. There are some pictures of the renovations that have been done on www.albanyc1.com
I toured this theatre several years ago before restoration begin and I do not recognzie some of the areas shown in the pictures. It is possible that they may be dividing up some of the large areas. I don’t know what has happended unless the owner just ran out of funds.
A forlorn view of the closed Albany Theater in Albany from 1986. (Notice the great bas relief artwork).
If there is only one vehicle within a mile of an old theater…..guess where it will be parked?