
3615 Tulane Avenue,
New Orleans, LA 70119

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Previously operated by: Martin Theatres, Pussycat Theatres, Trans-Lux Movies Corp.

Firms: Finch, Alexander, Barnes, Rothschild & Paschel

Previous Names: Martin Cinerama, Trans-Lux Cinerama

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News About This Theater


The theatre opened as the Martin Cinerama with the three-strip process presenting “The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm”. The screen was 96ft wide and 32ft high. It was sold to Trans-Lux Theatres in the late-1960’s where it completed it’s life as a regular movie theatre.

After screening a re-issue of “This Is Cinerama” on November 1973, it changed hands, taken over by Pussycat Theatres it became the Sinerama showing porno films until the early-1980’s. It then became the Riverboat Hallelujah, a reception hall. It was demolished in 2001 and is now the site of another drugstore.

Contributed by ahollis

Recent comments (view all 12 comments)

joysmovies on September 12, 2008 at 10:59 am

Here’s a pic of the curved billboard in front of the Cinerama after it became the Sinerama. This is from a newspaper ad.
View link

CSWalczak on March 29, 2009 at 11:55 pm

According to this website, the architects for the New Orleans and St. Louis Martin Cinerama theaters were Cinerama Inc., and Finch Alexander Barnes Rothschild and Paschal: View link

BigEasyBarry on August 15, 2009 at 8:52 pm

I saw Mary Poppins at this theater in 1964 when I was 7 years old.

ArthurHardy on June 11, 2010 at 12:41 pm

Announcing a book about New Orleans Movie Theaters

The History of the Neighborhood Theaters in New Orleans
is being written by 89-year-old Rene Brunet, the dean of the motion picture industry in Louisiana, and New Orleans historian and preservationist Jack Stewart. The 160-page,coffee table book will be released in November and is being published by Arthur Hardy Enterprises, Inc. Attention will be focused on 50 major neighborhood and downtown theaters, culled from a list of nearly 250 that have dotted the cityâ€\s landscape since the first “nickelodeon” opened in 1896 at 626 Canal Street. The book will be divided by neighborhoods and will open with a map and a narrative about each area. Each major theater will feature “then and now” photographs, historic information, and a short series of quotes from famous New Orleanians and from regular citizens who will share their recollections.
We are trying to acquire memorabilia and additional photos of this theater for this publication. (deadline July 1.) You will be credited in the book and receive a free autographed copy if we publish the picture that you supply. Please contact Arthur Hardy at or call 504-913-1563 if you can help.

meflaherty on October 17, 2010 at 10:51 am

I remember seeing “How The West Was Won” at Martin’s Cinerama, right off Tulane. Three projectors on the huge curved screen. Pretty cool for its time.

TLSLOEWS on February 9, 2011 at 6:18 pm

Great “Sinerama” photo posted by DriveinMike on 9/12/08.

NawtyNawty on July 8, 2014 at 5:54 pm

I remember seeing a bunch of movies here. How the West was Won, 2001 a Space Oddicy and many more. Also saw a good many when it was the Sinarama. Brandie and I had some great erotic adventures in the balcony. NN

raysson on December 22, 2014 at 12:33 pm

The Cinerama Engagements of “How The West Was Won”,
“Circus World”, “Ice Station Zebra”, “2001”, along with
“Battle of the Bulge”, “Krakatoa:East of Java” to
“The Wonderful World of the Brother Grimm”, not to mention “Custer’s Last Stand”, “Khartoum” to
“The Greatest Story Ever Told”,“It’s A Mad,Mad World”


MaddCoww on November 2, 2016 at 1:59 pm

I knew this only as “Trans-Lux” Cinerama. I saw Woodstock there in 1970 as a teenager visiting New Orleans, and was totally blown away. Went back twice by bus on weekends just to see it again. I remember that patrons were not allowed to take refreshments into the theatre (even items purchased at the snack bar).

MSC77 on December 26, 2021 at 11:42 am

Here’s a new 4-page 50th anniversary FIDDLER ON THE ROOF retrospective featuring a roadshow playdate chronology and historian Q&A. The Cinerama’s lengthy run is mentioned in the piece.

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