Corvin Budapest Filmpalast

Corvin koz 1,
Budapest 1082

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Corvin Budapest Filmpalota (Official)

Additional Info

Functions: Movies (First Run)

Styles: Beaux-Arts

Phone Numbers: Box Office: 36020.459.5050
Manager: .459.5050

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Corvin Budapest Filmpalast

The Corvin Budapest Filmpalast is located on the Pest side of the city. It was opened on 22nd November 1922 and originally had a seating capacity of 1,200 and an orchestra of 32 musicians. The entrance is through three sets of double doors, above which is a stone sculptured bust of King Matthias Corvinus which is surrounded by nymphs. Behind this is a recessed balcony which contains a half dome rotunda that is topped by a clock. On each side of the entrance are sculptured relief panels by Jozsef Rona which are set into the facade.

The building suffered severe damage during the 1956 revolution. It was renovated and continued to be one of Budapest’s premier cinemas.

In 1996, further renovations were carried out and it was converted into a six screen multiplex (the second largest in the city) by adding additional screens which are all named after prominent people. The main screen now seats 460 the others seat;295, 252, 200, 122 and 90.

Contributed by KenRoe

Recent comments (view all 4 comments)

HowardBHaas on July 19, 2008 at 6:44 pm

Photos of the exterior, all from the last few years:
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details of the exterior:
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old projector:
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Stunko on June 19, 2011 at 11:46 am

This one has got to have one of the gaudiest, kitschiest exteriors of any mulptiplex presently operating in Central Europe. Looks like an outdoor museum and amusement park movie house combined into one large mess. The eye-hurting yellow pain does not help a bit.

This used to be a majestic cinema with a a single, huge auditorium, and a large, curved screen with 4-way motorized masking, specifically installed for Todd-AO and other 70mm showings. They showed CinemasCope films here since 1957, and 70mm films from 1967 through the mid-1990s, when the single auditorium was chopped up into 6 tiny rooms.

Some of these rooms now are hardly larger than private use screening rooms. They all have fancy Hungarian names, named after some person who have excelled in the film biz. Too bad that all the Corvin ever shows these days are American commercial popcorn movies. Maybe they show one Hungarian film in a year on one of their screens, that is about it. This is about as fake Hungarian as anything can be.

You can safely skip this one, the Corvin of today has got nothing over your run-of-the-mill hideous multiplexes. Fortunately, there are still plenty of single-screen and twin-screen elegant cinemas in Budapest and elsewhere in this region, might as well patronize those if you care a bit about history and aestehtics.

Ian Grundy
Ian Grundy on November 29, 2013 at 1:13 am

November 2013 photo here:–


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