5 Drive-In
2332 Ninth Line,
L6H 7G9
2332 Ninth Line,
L6H 7G9
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Opened with “The sons of Katie Elder”.
I am assuming it is called the 5 Drive-In due to it being just down the street from Ontario Route 5.
Why the name 5?
In its History page in 2006 (via the Wayback Machine at Archive.org), it said the 5 was “Owned and operated by Premier Operating since the early 70’s”.
The 1972-76 IMPA listed “The 5” (cap. 505) and Daylight (500) for Oakville. And isn’t Daylight the worst drive-in name ever? But I digress.
Going backward, the 1969 IMPA listed the Daylight (400) and Oakville (also 400) for Oakville. That Oakville DI listed goes back to 1959.
Dug up an Oakville Drive-In ad (June 27, 1957) that says it was “2 miles east of the Ford plant, between Q.E. and Dundas Hwys.” Dundas is Highway 5, and The 5 is about two miles west of the Ford plant (which opened in 1953 and hasn’t moved), a direct shot on Halton Regional Rd 13 between QE and 5. (Two miles east of the Ford plant is Lake Ontario.)
A theory that fits all this data: The Oakville opened in the mid to late 1950s, then was bought by Premier in the very early 70s. Premier, with a history of name-changing, might have changed it to The 5 shortly after acquiring it.
Two online sources put the opening date around 1964-65, but that would mean it took the IMPA over five years to notice. Got any better data?
I visited this theatre during the late 50’s. It was closed but the screen was interesting. The structure that housed the screen looked to me like rear view projection. the opening for the screen was at the front of a large box like structure. I saw a film poster for The Greatest Show On Earth (early 50’s). Does anyone remember a rear view projection system for a drive-in? in theory it should have created a brighter picture but it obviously never caught on if it existed at all.
Premier Theatres says the Allen family aquired the 5 Drive-In Theatre in 1960. Chad Irish, in the overview, says the drive-in opened in 1964. Who is correct?
Hello, I’m a UoT student doing a research project on drive-in theatres in Toronto and the GTA. I was wondering if anyone here on the site had any information or experiences they would be happy to share for my research? Anything at all would be very helpful!
Great Looking Drive-in you guys are lucky up there.I hope you realize how fortunate you are to have the No.5 Drive-in Theatre.
Four movies for $15. Can’t beat that.
This drive-in appeared in the film “Knockaround Guys” (2001).
I didn’t think that story was true, I was speaking with Brian Allen, the owner and he told me it was just a story. When I was at 5 a few months ago one of the employees was talking to me about it and they didn’t think it was true either.
5 is a wonderful drive-in, I hope to get there this week end. The owner cares a lot for it and it shows in the way the 5 is kept. I hope to make it there this weekend. I miss it because I have not been for at least 3 weeks. Take care!
I just love going to the No.5 Drive-In. Its a great place to hang-out. Speaking of hanging…
That story about the old projectionist hanging himself is just an old story told by some people that work there around the Halloween season to make the No.5 Drive-In more spooky at night. In fact I was just there last weekend and some people where talking about that story too. If it were true I find it highly unlikely the noose would still be there too. Its just a spooky made-up story and nothing eles. Sorry for popping your bubble pagemaster. :)
This is a follow-up on my previous message. I have completed my page for the 5 Drive-in offering lots of pictures of the beautiful place I took myself. My website address is http://i_love_drive_ins.tripod.com The 5 and Starlite in Stoney Creek are my favourite drive-ins in the entire world. There is nothing I love more!
Premier made numorous changes to the 5 including transforming the concession building by the Starlite screen (screen 1) into a 50’s Diner offering classic malts and sodas. The Cosmic screen (screen 3) was added around the same time.
I recently took a bus up to the 5 during the day before the show to visit because I missed it so much. No one will take me and I don’t drive so I gotta find my own way there sometimes, even if it means just spending an hour or so there.
I don’t think I ever heard the story of the projectionist hanging himself in the screen tower, but I love everything about this drive-in and would like to know more details if you know.
5 is now open for the season and has been since march 5. It is now open 7 days a week with half-price Tuesdays and Carload Thursdays so pack up your car and drive on down to the 5. Don’t forget to spend lots of money at the snack bar!
Gaelyn A.K.A “Drive-in GiRL”
I’m no expert, but I would assume the 5 drive in is named as such due to the fact it is off Dundas, which is Highway 5.
I agree it is a great place to see a movie….interesting story about the guy hanging himself, though if it were true I find it highly unlikely the noose would still be there…
I too love going to this dive in every other week. I worked there as a projectionist for a while and it was a lot of fun.
There are 3 screens to the drive in despite the name 5 drive in and screen 3 was added in 2001. Side one has a new technology that has a mirror in the back of the lamphouse that puts out a much better picture almost as good as an indoor cinema.
In the picture that has been provided, on the other side of the wall where the sign 5 drive in is was an old projection booth that showed indoor projection. Rumor has it that some old projectionist hung himself years ago from the roof in side the structure that holds the screen. I have personally witnessed the noose that is hanging from the ceiling but whether or not some killed themselves is beyond me.
Side two was running changeover until the summer of 2003 when it was upgrade to a platter system. The best side to watch a movie is side one followed by side two as side there screen is too small and dim.
Overall my favorite place to watch a movie is at the 5 drive in and Stone Road mall in Guelph.
This is the most amazing place in the entire world. I am someone that loves drive-ins more than anything in the world and the 5 is my favorite operating drive-in. I’ve taken pictures of it and am currently working on a website about drive-ins which will include a page for 5. This place means the whole world to me and I admire the people who own it because they have done so well with and it and have renovated it so it can survive and this proves they really care for they’re drive-ins. God Bless Drive-ins!!
—– Gaelyn A.K.A “Drive-in GiRL*”