Bridge Theatre

1316 St. Nicholas Avenue,
New York, NY 10033

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Al Alvarez
Al Alvarez on February 8, 2010 at 8:25 pm

It appears that the Palace may have been a couple of blocks away from the Palace Annex which was once known as the St. Nick prior to 1916.

Here are some blurbs form the NYT:

May 18, 1914 – Wolfsohn and August have leased…for the Esalmo Amusement company for a term of six years, two stores and the St. Nick Theatre, northeast corner of 174th street and St. Nicholas Avenue

September 9, 1916 – J.K. Moor has leased for a term of years the motion picture theatre at the north east corner of 174th street and St. Nicholas Avenue to the National City Amusements Enterprises who operate the theatre at the southeast corner of 176th street and St. Nicholas Avenue. It will be known as the Palace Annex.

November 21, 1921 – The police think boy burglars were responsible for the robbery of four stores in St. Nicholas Avenue between 174th street …(including) The Palace Annex Motion Picture Theatre where they obtained several hundred pennies.

Al Alvarez
Al Alvarez on January 14, 2010 at 12:25 pm

The movie palaces of Washington Heights and Inwood.

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kencmcintyre on July 15, 2008 at 4:25 pm

My conclusion is that the function should be retail.

kencmcintyre on July 15, 2008 at 4:20 pm

If you look at the photos on Google, you may agree with me that the old building exists with a new false front that has some retail busineses. 1316 doesn’t exist any more as a street address, though. The bakery on the corner is 1318, while the business next to it is 1314. If you swing around to 176th Street, you can see what looks like a long narrow building extending about halfway down the block. Of course, this whole discussion presupposes that the area now looks as it did when they were taking the photos.

Al Alvarez
Al Alvarez on July 15, 2008 at 3:05 pm

This advertised in a 1921 Paramount Week ad as the Palace & Annex.