Majestic Theatre
845 S. Broadway,
Los Angeles,
845 S. Broadway,
Los Angeles,
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November 23, 1908 grand opening ad and two early exterior architectural drawings posted in photos.
@MJuggler I just did a hunt in my hometown. Check http://cinematreasures.org/theaters/44885 Greets, Eric.
You’re welcome, Vokoban. I just uploaded a few. Hi MJuggler, that’s a nice update at sites.google Both of you, have a nice Silvester.
Translation of Eric’s find and more is here, (always look for more information): https://sites.google.com/site/downtownlosangelestheatres/majestic-theatre
Thanks Eric….those are pretty amazing photos. You should add them to the photos on this page.
Thanks Ericle! Happy Holidays and keep hunting for theatre images!
Hello visitors, here’s a website that shows rare pictures of the Majestic Theater’s proscenium in the making ! The site is in dutch, but images say more than words and hopefully there will be an english version in the future. Anyway check: http://tinyurl.com/nfjwaop
The Film Daily of May 25, 1933, reported that the Majestic Theatre in Los Angeles had been closed and dismantled.
Just passed by this theater site on Sunday, September 6. The status should be changed from closed to demolished. As is evident from the google maps camera, it is sadly no longer there.
I just noticed this photo too!
Here’s where the UCLA photo moved:
The Harold Lloyd “Safety Last” photo that Joe Vogel linked to back in Oct. 2005 is now here:
And ken’s screencap from that movie that he posted in the Tally’s Broadway thread
Here is a section of a 1909 map:
The scenes in “The Golden Age of Comedy” showing the Majestic Theatre are from the 1924 Mack Sennett comedy short, “Wall Street Blues,” with Billy Bevan and Edgar Kennedy.
Here is a May 1910 ad from the LA Times:
The Majestic was also known as Hamburger’s Majestic, referring to the owner, not to anything available at the concession stand.
Thanks, Joe.
ken mc: the Woodley/Victory/Mission was demolished to make way for the fourth Orpheum Theatre.
The Woodley was at 840 S. Broadway.
The Woodley theater opened on 9/25/13. It was on Broadway between 8th and 9th. It’s not the Majestic or the Garrick. What other theaters do we have on that block?
Here is another UCLA photo, dated 1920:
I don’t know if this has been posted, but i just found it on the new UCLA digital archive website.
View link
Well, obviously the theatre wasn’t torn down in 1929 for the construction of the Eastern Columbia Bldg., because the postcard above, photo above, and 1933 article all prove the building went on until 1933.
By the way, the Burger King mentioned above has also been razed, no big loss. The Eastern Columbia has been turned into lofts, one of the most lauded and beloved rehabilitations of old buildings into lofts in downtown. The one story retail formerly holding the Burger King has now been replaced by a 3 story parking structure for the Eastern Columbia. There’s retail spaces there too, but they haven’t been filled yet.
Joe, I’ll try to find out a little more on the Mozart and put it on its page. Here’s the rest of that Beau Deep article. He also mentions the Mason Operahouse:
…And the time at the old Mason Operahouse, when Lucile (Mrs. Walter) Leimert{I wonder if this is the Leimert Park Leimert-vokoban}, being almost younger and more enthusiastic than she is now, if such a thing were possible, came perilously close to slapping a total stranger because he was being too funny at the expense of one of Lucile’s favorite opera stars (Mary Garden, if you must know.) In fact, legend says that she actually did slap him…I rather hope she did…And do you remember the especially elegant and grand theater party that the Billy Dunns of blessed memory gave, and at which for the first and only time in all their exemplary lives Docky and Mrs. Ernest Bryant were frightfully late? That created almost as much of a sensation in our young lives as the recent bank holiday.
vokoban: The June 12, 1926 article you posted is particularly interesting for its mention of the Orange Grove Theatre. That was one of the names used by the Mozart Theatre on Grand Avenue. That’s a rather mysterious theatre itself, and it’s been difficult to track down much solid information about it.
The last line of that article sounds a bit strange today. I wonder if somebody Googling for “Morrissey” will come across this post in their results and be terribly confused?
It also seems a bit odd that Beau Deep refers to the Majestic with the phrase “…those antiquated purlieus…” in his 1933 remembrance. The place was only 25 years old! I supposed it probably did seem antiquated in comparison to the new Orpheum across the street, though, and the even newer Los Angeles Theatre a few blocks up. Broadway’s theatres did become far more lavish over that quarter century.
Sorry, my fingers were tired…I spelled remembrance incorrectly above.