Embassy Cinema
Tondu Road and Brewery Lane,
CF31 4JA
Tondu Road and Brewery Lane,
CF31 4JA
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The last cinema planned and built by S&K before WW2 was the Embassy Crawley opening 1st August 1938. The Embassy Fareham by David Nye with interior by Mollo & Egan was the furthest West S&K roamed from their main hub. The ‘Picture House’ No.47 publication by Allen Eyles is a must for the history of Shipman & King.
Interior decoration was by Mollo & Egan. The name, architect and interior designer’s were all favourites of the Shipman & King circuit, so this non-S&K venue is quite a surprise, I wonder as to whether it was planned for/by S&K?
Thanks Michael.
My comments that you responded to were related to the David Evelyn Neye cinemas in Wales. There are some fine examples still standing in England of course, as the two you have mentioned.
Jeffrey Morris this was not the last surviving cinema designed by David Evelyn Nye. The Rex in Berkhamsted and the Odeon in Esher designed by Nye are open and showing movies
In August 2011 the demolition contractors had moved in and only a pile of rubble remained. The Car Park will be there before long. Did anyone take last photos of the interior?
Still standing in April 2011. Council want to demolish for car park still. What a waste.
This is a not very sharp photo, as it was taken from a moving coach, I only just noticed it as we were passing, if the camera was not already in my hand I’d of missed it.
I’m only including it as the building was still open at the time, albeit only for bingo. I think it was around 1999.
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It was never called The Ritz cinema. It was sold to the group Nudge Leisure who intended to cease film operation and just have bingo (it was run as a dual bingo/cinema operation anyway).
the closure date had been announced as “sometime in the Summer of 1997” but after a furore in the local press they just decided to shut the doors suddenly one Saturday night after the showing of Castaway with Oliver Reed. The giant marquee poster saying “CAST AWAY” was very ominious and appropriate after that.
The theatre never was renowned for good on-screen presentation or management. In fact, it was very poorly run despite being enormously well patronised, right up to the end. They refused to follow the industry standards of changing films on Fridays, and continued with a Sunday to Saturday operation right to the end.
After the modification to bingo, the theatre then looked lovely. But no films anymore, sadly.
Another example of a fine cinema that has been left to rot. The Arts Council of Wales together with the local authority could surely remodel this venue to meet the needs and demand of modern day arts and media type community venues?
Are there any interior photographs?
I believe that this might be the last surviving cinema by the distinguished architect David Evelyn Nye.
And the local authority wants to turn it into a car park, what are they thinking!
Is the building due to come down soon then?
Two photographs of the closed-up Embassy Cinema building in October 2007: