Cineworld Cinema - Weymouth
New Bond Street and Commercial Road,
New Bond Street and Commercial Road,
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Cineworld has just sent out an email announcing that the cinema is to close on 30th December, as the landlord will not accept their rent proposals.
Saw a film in screen 1 today – flat ratio, no masking however the stadium seating has a nice curve to it.
My post last month has an error in it… adults are £6, not £14!
Screen 2 (stadium seating but not the largest) is a scope screen and the side masking was used on my visit the other day. I’m only an occasional visitor here (I live in London but have family in the area) but certainly the scope film I saw earlier this year in one of the flat screens used the top masking.
The screens are a mixture of 2.39 Scope and 1.85 with the majority being Scope. I don’t know the Nos of which auditoria are which, though one of the largest ones has surprisingly just a 1.85 screen.
When I was there a few years back the 1.85 screens had top down masking for Scope films, though I presume this has probably gone now as is usual practice with digital projection.
Prices have been reduced to £6 for adults, £3.50 for children, seniors and students and £14 for adults, all day every day.
This cinema bears all the hallmarks of an early Cineworld build, with a large, tall foyer with sloped mirrored ceiling in the middle fringed with pink neon, concession counter with popcorn machines raised up in the middle, and wide corridors. There’s an awkwardly placed set of tiny toilets just behind the ticket check, which get overcrowded with people not realising there are larger toilets in the screen corridors.
Screens are a mixture of stadium and non-stadium, all with masking and decent sightlines. Internal signage looks somewhat cheesy by modern standards with screen numbers on backlit stars and toilet signage hinting at aliens or space travel! This theme extends to wall lights in the screens which look a little like toy UFOs.
Curiously the exterior has the current Cineworld logotype, but still features the star from its 1999 opening.
This cinema never seems very busy, and consequently the whole place manages to look a little dated without looking tired – it certainly has the brightest, cleanest version of Cineworld’s purple patterned carpet I’ve seen!
SORRY, CORRECTION: This Cinema charges LOADS compared o the Plaza Cinema in Dorchester – just 7 miles away. CINEWORLD WEYMOUTH – £7.40 adult Sat/Sun & after 5pm
£5.10 Child / Snr £6.10 Adult before 5pm Mon, Wed – Sun
‘Bargain Tuesday’ : all seats £4.80
PLAZA CINEMA DORCHESTER: all seats Mon – Fri £2.50 Sat/Sun £3.50
This cinema (CINEWORLD) i have noticed is sometimes quite quiet.