Essoldo Bishop Auckland
27 Railway Street,
Bishop Auckland,
DL14 7LR
27 Railway Street,
Bishop Auckland,
DL14 7LR
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Museum opens in part of the Hippodrome:-
Article re ‘Hauntings’ in Bishop Auckland :–
Two such phenomena are reported in former cinema buildings,namely the Hippodrome/Essoldo and the King’s.
The former closed in 1966 (not 1960) since when it has been on Bingo and the latter, of which extensive structure only part survives, showed its final film in 1962.
Stan Laurel’s father’s theatre was the long lost Eden (former Theatre Royal) and I am unaware of him having any connection with the Hippodrome.
Re cinema hauntings: I worked in several venues (too numerous to mention especially if I were to include Holiday/‘Day Off’ Managerial Relief Duties). Staff at many of these places claimed them to be haunted and some described in great detail apparitions together with uncanny incidents. Probably the most prolific of all these would be the ABC Darlington which, as a rebuild of the Theatre Royal, I suppose is as likely a candidate as any. I have to say that I never saw any apparitions there (or anywhere else) but I did at times ‘pick up’ on an ‘atmosphere’ which made me feel uneasy.
I am sure there are many former cinema personnel with their own experiences…..
The Essoldo closed on 6th August 1966 with the MGM film ‘Around the World Under the Sea’.
Photo added.
Article re foundation stone laid by Sir Anthony Eden’s father in 1909:–
1955 newspaper advert uploaded to photos section.
Fine new watercolour by local artist, Eric Thompson uploaded to the photos section. The theatre is depicted as it would have appeared in 1965, one year before closure in 1966 when the town, once with three Essoldo operated venues, was left with only the Odeon which itself would disappear in 1983……..
It is 50 years since the building became a Bingo Hall :–
First impressions of photos of the auditorium as a bingo venue are of the stage having been levelled. However,upon closer examination, it can be seen that there are three steps leading up to this area at both sides.
Given that the stalls rake will have been levelled it is probable that there are another couple of steps concealed by the new flat floor and it is therefore likely that that bingo players are on the original stage.
The suspended ceiling above the proscenium is apparent in the first auditorium photo. When the place first went over to ‘Essoldo Bingo’ in 1966 the (now unseen) ‘Gods’, which had not been used since its Variety Theatre days, was reopened (and ‘packed to the gunnels’). Players also sat on the stage – and in the aisles! Before anyone says that this was not permissible under Fire and Licensing regulations, I was told about this dangerous practice by my Mother who caught the ‘bingo craze'at a very early stage………….
The stage area is used by bingo players now but it has been specially adapted for the purpose (unlike back in 1966). This modification, like the false ceiling, is reversible and the building could easily be returned to theatrical use. I wonder if it will ever happen? In most locations bingo has now transferred to purpose built out of town establishments so,should that ever happen in Bishop Auckland, perhaps the town could have its equivalent to Darlington Civic Theatre, a former Sister ‘Hippodrome’.
Two more images uploaded to the photos section.
Auditorium photo uploaded to the relevant section.
I have uploaded a photo of the ‘double front’ of the Essoldo/Hippodrome. The main sign was (as seen) actually on the side elevation which could be seen from Newgate Street, Bishop Auckland’s main thoroughfare. The original name ‘Hippodrome’ remains in terracotta below the large arched window on the Front Of House. The exterior is looking somewhat dejected on this photograph and was spruced up a short while after it was taken.
The Essoldo Company was rather prone to leaving former names on their cinemas and other examples in the North East were at Stockton (Hippodrome/Essoldo)and Gateshead (Empire/Essoldo).
The Essoldo had a female Chief projectionist who appears in this clip from 1966
It was one of the theatres commissioned by the famous entrepreneur, Signor Pepi:–
He started building a chain of theatres. After Barrow came Blackpool(acquired by ABC as the Hippodrome and rebuilt in 1963 as the ABC – ‘Europe’s most luxurious theatre’ and from where many lavish live shows were televised) and then Carlisle. Then, early in 1907, in partnership with the Birmingham theatre specialist George Ward, he began work on an “Opera House and Empire” on some recently-cleared land in Parkgate, Darlington.
Within seven months, the theatre was complete and, named the New Hippodrome and Palace Theatre of Varieties, it opened on September 2.
Even as Pepi received the opening night acclaim, building was beginning on another of his hippodromes, this one in Middlesbrough, on top of an old Quaker burial ground.
After Middlesbrough came Bishop Auckland Hippodrome in 1909 followed by Shildon in 1910.
But even as it was growing, Pepi’s empire was crumbling at its peripheries. He sold off Middlesbrough after just eight months, losing £10,000 in the process. Shildon lasted a year, its disposal coinciding with the Bishop Auckland Hippodrome being declared bankrupt in 1911.
By the outbreak of the First World War, our principal character owned just two theatres: Darlington and Barrow. To make matters worse, on December 7, 1915, his wife Mary, Countess de Rossetti, died at their modest mid-terrace home in Barrow. She was only 46.
The stage is about 30 feet deep and certainly not 48 feet.
The last film to play here in 1966 was ‘Around The World Under The Sea'starring Lloyd Bridges, Shirley Eaton and David McCallum.
Photographs taken in 1994 can be found here: